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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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What a shock. The guy that humiliated Putin in public dies from a plane crash.

Well, Putin finally grew some balls and struck back!

Prigozhin and Utkin have to be the dumbest motherfuckers alive dead

Hiku said:

What a shock. The guy that humiliated Putin in public dies from a plane crash.

It was just an accident bro. Putin had nothing to do with it. Malfunction! Rouge Soldier! They thought it was a Ukraine plane!

If all this is true then today is a great day.

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Taking down Utkin is quite the blow to Wagner too.

Prigozhin was just the face but Utkin commanded the forces along with others.

I wonder who else in the chain of command was taken out, there are actually smart people leading Wagner from a military perspective, smarter than that fucking idiot Shoigu at least. This could be a serious blow to the chain of command in Wagner and make them a significantly weaker force.

Now does Russia absorb Wagner back into the meat grinder, does someone else from Wagner take over, does Wagner fracture now that they've lost their face and leader, I imagine most of them are only loyal to money but some might be loyal to Prigozhin and Utkin still.

Lmao at Lukashenko promising that Putin wouldn't kill Prigozhin.

Once again, Prigozhin is the dumbest motherfucker to have ever crossed Putin. The dude could have gone down fighting or some shit, he could have held Moscow for a bit and done quite a bit of damage, instead he ends up like this.

Why would he fly over Moscow? Is he a fucking idiot? Why would he still use his same private jet? Is he a fucking idiot? Why would he fly together with the rest of Wagner command? Is he a fucking idiot? Why would he believe Putin would just let him go alive? Christ this dude was a fucking idiot, Lol.

There's no way he was still alive after explosion but I'm having fun imagining Prigozhin falling through the skies screaming "SHOIGU!!! GERASIMOV!!!"

Ryuu96 said:

Wagner Group Leader Says That He Is In Africa: | Ukrainska Pravda

Someone geolocate this fucker and drop a missile on him.

Fuck maybe I should do Putin next.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

RIP Nazi Fuck.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023