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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was shown in a video welcoming his Wagner fighters to Belarus and telling them they would for now take no further part in the Ukraine war, Reuters reports.

In the video, the authenticity of which the Guardian or Reuters could not immediately verify, a man whose voice and Russian sounded like Prigozhin’s is heard welcoming his men. The video was reposted by his press service on Telegram.

“Welcome lads … Welcome to Belarusian soil,” Prigozhin said.

The video was shot after night had fallen and it was only possible to discern what looked like Prigozhin’s profile. “We fought honourably,” said Prigozhin.

“You have done a great deal for Russia. What is going on at the front is a disgrace that we do not need to get involved in.”

Prigozhin then tells his men to behave well towards the locals and orders them to train the Belarusian army and collect their strength for a “new journey to Africa.”

“And perhaps we will return to the SMO (special military operation in Ukraine) at some point when we are sure that we will not be forced to shame ourselves,” Prigozhin said.

A man who sounded like Dmitry Utkin, who helped found Wagner, then spoke to the men. “This is not the end. This is just the beginning of the biggest work in the world that will be carried out very soon,” Utkin said, before switching to English. “And welcome to hell!”

The Guardian

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 July 2023

Around the Network

Prigozhin still alive. Utkin still alive. Wagner still alive. Got out of the Ukraine mess. Free to terrorise and plunder Africa.

Putin is one weak motherfucker.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 July 2023

Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced a new security assistance package to support Ukraine's battlefield needs and underscore unwavering U.S. support for Ukraine. This package, which includes critical air defense capabilities and munitions, will be provided as part of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI).

This USAI package highlights the continued U.S. commitment to meeting Ukraine's pressing requirements by committing critical near-term capabilities while also building the enduring capacity of Ukraine's Armed Forces to defend its territory and deter Russian aggression over the mid and long term.

Unlike Presidential Drawdown authority, which DoD has continued to utilize to deliver equipment to Ukraine from DoD stocks at a historic pace, USAI is an authority under which the United States procures capabilities from industry or partners to then send to Ukraine. This announcement represents the beginning of a contracting process to provide additional priority capabilities to Ukraine.

The capabilities in this announcement, which totals $1.3 billion, include:

  1. Four National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and munitions;
  2. 152mm artillery rounds;
  3. Mine clearing equipment;
  4. Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
  5. Phoenix Ghost and Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS);
  6. Precision aerial munitions;
  7. Counter-UAS and electronic warfare detection equipment;
  8. 150 fuel trucks;
  9. 115 tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment;
  10. 50 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
  11. Port and harbor security equipment;
  12. Tactical secure communications systems;
  13. Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.

Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine > U.S. Department of Defense > Release

Last Night's Attack

Tonight's Attack

White House: Russia may attack civilian shipping in Black Sea

The White House warned on Wednesday that Russia may expand its targeting of Ukrainian grain facilities to include attacks against civilian shipping in the Black Sea.

Adam Hodge, White House National Security Council spokesperson, said U.S. officials have information indicating Russia laid additional sea mines in the approaches to Ukrainian ports.

"We believe that this is a coordinated effort to justify any attacks against civilian ships in the Black Sea and lay blame on Ukraine for these attacks," he said.

White House: Russia May Attack Civilian Shipping in Black Sea | Reuters

Around the Network

The moment the grain deal ends, they start trying to bomb the shit out of it, they start threatening everyone in the Black Sea, Russia's idea of negotiation as per usual is plain and simple terrorism and destruction. Pure desperation to turn people away from supporting Ukraine, to try to starve the world and we still put so many fucking restrictions on Ukraine's ability to fight these subhuman creatures even when they hold the worlds food supply to ransom.