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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Fun facts:
-More than 100 traffic cameras have been stolen in Sweden sInce August.
-They reappeared on shot down Iranian drones which contained jerry rigged cameras that are suspiciously similar to the Swedish traffic cameras..
-The Iranian dronws had Rotax engines (stolen mainly in the UK on a regular base) made in Austria and Italy. Italy sent engines to Jemen which might have ended up in Russia.

Around the Network
drkohler said:

Fun facts:
-More than 100 traffic cameras have been stolen in Sweden sInce August.
-They reappeared on shot down Iranian drones which contained jerry rigged cameras that are suspiciously similar to the Swedish traffic cameras..
-The Iranian dronws had Rotax engines (stolen mainly in the UK on a regular base) made in Austria and Italy. Italy sent engines to Jemen which might have ended up in Russia.

I've looked a little on this and stolen cameras appears in Orlan-10 drones, which are Russia's own drones and not Iranian ones.

Russia's evidence that Ukraine is creating a dirty bomb...

They're so fucking bad at this, holy shit.

Tucker Carlson will probably fall for it though.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 October 2022

It took months for Wagner to push into the outskirts of Bakhmut and Ukraine retook it in a few days.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 October 2022