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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Switch delayed to Summer 2018

AngryLittleAlchemist said:                               
 You want to know the REAL REASON that people are reacting this way? Because the devs made the mistake of being forward with people. They set a release date, they came out and admitted they needed to make a delay, and now people are mad about it. It's in stark contrast to when people bitch and moan about a developer not porting their game at all, and then get excited when coincidentally the game comes out on the Switch 6-10 months after it's initial release, which gets people to shut up entirely. 


The real reason people are upset is because they want 3rd party games to succeed and come to the Switch.

Tell me how many games have released simultaneously on the Switch and the other systems? I can't think of any. Most all games come out on the switch months or years later than the other systems. Thus it's hard to really get a good grasp on how well the switch sells compared to the others.

It coming out later on the Switch than the other systems will undoubtably result in less sales for the Switch than if it released simlutaniously. How much less, we will never know. But less. Will it still be a success? IDK, probably. But the reason people are upset is because they feel like again Nintendo's version is getting the shaft. Companies delay games like Raymen Legends on a Nintendo platform, so it release on all systems simultaneous, yet rarely ever do the same for Nintendo.

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Pavolink said: 

Edit: Btw, to answer your question it is said I'm not allowed to comment in the same part where you were implying jokes were not allowed. We only where trying to find what was the purpose of the comment. If you felt the need to respond, must because our perception may hold some true.


And finally, nobody said your other comments weren't constructive. I quoted only one comment, not an entire person.

What? So if I respond it must be because your perception is truth? Then why did you originally reply to me at all trying to find out the truth? Then I would have automatically been corresponding with your initial analysis just by responding? 

I never said that you were not allowed to comment, didn't even imply it. You must have interpreted that somehow. 

And finally, the joke was constructive. Believe it or not, jokes can hold truths. I know we like to amount everything we disagree on the internet with trolling (responding to Miyamotoo, not you) but it is not always such. 

And sure you were responding to one post, but if someone goes on to give a detailed constructive comment later in the thread ... what is the point of taking another comment and saying it is unconstructive? 

I pointed the fact that you needed to respond. Did that not happened? Must be because something made you feel the need to do so. Just speculating.


On top of that, the joke does not hold any true, unless sony paid for this delay and I doubt that happen. The Miyamoto quote is false now and I don't think anyone mentioned in the thread.


And finally, as I said before, I quote a single comment and questioned its purpose because neither the Miyamoto and sony parts were true. In this case, the joke didn't hold any truth.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

irstupid said: 

Companies don't make decisions based on how well they can compare the potential of one console platform to others. And ultimately, From Software probably knows they are going to take some hit on the Switch by not having a simultaneous release. Also, I think it's a bit unfair to say companies do x for other consoles but won't do it for Nintendo. Notice how you said "other platforms". Plural. A company wouldn't delay a game for one platform while multiple platforms are waiting to be served. And even if they did, it would be for a platform like the PS4, which is a juggernaught for third party sales (I'm not the ones making these kind of distinctions btw, that's going by third party logic).

That being said, I agree. That is one of the reasons I'm personally a bit disappointed that it isn't coming to Switch at the same time as other consoles. Because it would be interesting to see how close it can do at parity release date. Of course, in my very comment, I said that it is fine to be disappointed. A lot of the disappointment around this delay is pretty normal, and rational. Some of it isn't, and I felt it was obvious that was what I was replying to. 

Pavolink said:

I pointed the fact that you needed to respond. Did that not happened? Must be because something made you feel the need to do so. Just speculating.


On top of that, the joke does not hold any true, unless sony paid for this delay and I doubt that happen. The Miyamoto quote is false now and I don't think anyone mentioned in the thread.


And finally, as I said before, I quote a single comment and questioned its purpose because neither the Miyamoto and sony parts were true. In this case, the joke didn't hold any truth.

Ok fair enough. I think you know what I meant when I said the joke held truth .... but if you're going to take it literally to discredit it, fine, because I totally believe Sony paid for it ... Lol. I have a feeling you wouldn't agree with the actual point of the joke anyways, so it's ok either way. I was just making a correction and then it got kind of out of control. Nothing too serious, sorry about that. 

edit: I accidently wrote "either ay" and not "either way", so since you are paranoid about edits, there you go, that was my edit

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
irstupid said: 

Companies don't make decisions based on how well they can compare the potential of one console platform to others. And ultimately, From Software probably knows they are going to take some hit on the Switch by not having a simultaneous release. Also, I think it's a bit unfair to say companies do x for other consoles but won't do it for Nintendo. Notice how you said "other platforms". Plural. A company wouldn't delay a game for one platform while multiple platforms are waiting to be served. And even if they did, it would be for a platform like the PS4, which is a juggernaught for third party sales (I'm not the ones making these kind of distinctions btw, that's going by third party logic).

That being said, I agree. That is one of the reasons I'm personally a bit disappointed that it isn't coming to Switch at the same time as other consoles. Because it would be interesting to see how close it can do at parity release date. Of course, in my very comment, I said that it is fine to be disappointed. A lot of the disappointment around this delay is pretty normal, and rational. Some of it isn't, and I felt it was obvious that was what I was replying to. 

I agree with this.

We don't even know if the reasons are Nintendo releated.

What if this has to do something with Nintendo's Online for example?

Or adding content?

Or the development started later?


Many ports are rushed because of the success of the Switch and the failure of its predecessor.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
irstupid said: 

Companies don't make decisions based on how well they can compare the potential of one console platform to others. And ultimately, From Software probably knows they are going to take some hit on the Switch by not having a simultaneous release. Also, I think it's a bit unfair to say companies do x for other consoles but won't do it for Nintendo. Notice how you said "other platforms". Plural. A company wouldn't delay a game for one platform while multiple platforms are waiting to be served. And even if they did, it would be for a platform like the PS4, which is a juggernaught for third party sales (I'm not the ones making these kind of distinctions btw, that's going by third party logic).

That being said, I agree. That is one of the reasons I'm personally a bit disappointed that it isn't coming to Switch at the same time as other consoles. Because it would be interesting to see how close it can do at parity release date. Of course, in my very comment, I said that it is fine to be disappointed. A lot of the disappointment around this delay is pretty normal, and rational. Some of it isn't, and I felt it was obvious that was what I was replying to. 

From Software is not porting the Switch version, that's likely where the problem arose.  From Software is working on the remasters.  The Port (that is being called a remaster cause it runs in 1080p and might use slightly higher res versions of the same textures) is being done by an outside studio that Bandai farmed it out to.  Smart money is that's where problems arose.  

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Pavolink said:

I pointed the fact that you needed to respond. Did that not happened? Must be because something made you feel the need to do so. Just speculating.


On top of that, the joke does not hold any true, unless sony paid for this delay and I doubt that happen. The Miyamoto quote is false now and I don't think anyone mentioned in the thread.


And finally, as I said before, I quote a single comment and questioned its purpose because neither the Miyamoto and sony parts were true. In this case, the joke didn't hold any truth.

Ok fair enough. I think you know what I meant when I said the joke held truth .... but if you're going to take it literally to discredit it, fine, because I totally believe Sony paid for it ... Lol. I have a feeling you wouldn't agree with the actual point of the joke anyways, so it's ok either way. I was just making a correction and then it got kind of out of control. Nothing too serious, sorry about that. 

edit: I accidently wrote "either ay" and not "either way", so since you are paranoid about edits, there you go, that was my edit


Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Pavolink said:

I agree with this.

We don't even know if the reasons are Nintendo releated.

What if this has to do something with Nintendo's Online for example?

Or adding content?

Or the development started later?


Many ports are rushed because of the success of the Switch and the failure of its predecessor.

See, this is what I'm talking about. I don't think what I'm saying is too out of left field here. I certainly understand disappointment and people are allowed to express it, it's just the extremists that are bad. 

And I find it a little odd how people are calling From Soft lazy or saying that this is pathetic. From Soft is actually going out of their way to provide a public beta before the game launches. Granted that beta is delayed now as well as the full release, but I think this has to do with tweaking for the switch more than anything. I'm guessing online plays a role. 

Nuvendil said:

From Software is not porting the Switch version, that's likely where the problem arose.  From Software is working on the remasters.  The Port (that is being called a remaster cause it runs in 1080p and might use slightly higher res versions of the same textures) is being done by an outside studio that Bandai farmed it out to.  Smart money is that's where problems arose.  

I guessed they weren't. Didn't know for sure. If i'm being honest though, I'd just prefer to call it "from soft" to save the hassle. Lmao. 

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Pavolink said:

I agree with this.

We don't even know if the reasons are Nintendo releated.

What if this has to do something with Nintendo's Online for example?

Or adding content?

Or the development started later?


Many ports are rushed because of the success of the Switch and the failure of its predecessor.

See, this is what I'm talking about. I don't think what I'm saying is too out of left field here. I certainly understand disappointment and people are allowed to express it, it's just the extremists that are bad. 

And I find it a little odd how people are calling From Soft lazy or saying that this is pathetic. From Soft is actually going out of their way to provide a public beta before the game launches. Granted that beta is delayed now as well as the full release, but I think this has to do with tweaking for the switch more than anything. I'm guessing online plays a role. 

I'm happy to see many third parties commiting to release something on the Switch.

But after the wii u wii u wii u, some are very scared this could end in the same way: zero third party support and few first party efforts.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile