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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - There may be some unhappy XBO X owners on Tuesday

So I have an Xbox One S and an 8TB HDD (humble brag) and I'm upgrading to an Xbox One X next week. There an option to update games early in the settings. A few of my games have already updated via random downloads. Probably one per day. These aren't small updates, though!

Quantum Break now tops 100gb and that doesn't even include the 70 something GB for the TV show. Just now, Halo 5 started a 15GB just update that'll push it near 110GB when all is said and done. Gears 4 tops 100GB and Titanfall just jumped to almost 70GB yesterday!


Like I said, I have 8TB and I know about the settings. There's going to be some gamers with 1TB internal (which will probably be more like less than 800gb usable for games). AND they're going to have to download a fuck ton of updates on day one.

I foresee a lot of unhappy gamers--at least on that first day or two.

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And some people here are expecting a portable PS4 or even PS5 lol. Not going to happen with those file sizes.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

170GB?!? That's huge. Are there benefits for people like me that have the S, and a 1080p TV? Or is there no difference?

VGPolyglot said:
170GB?!? That's huge. Are there benefits for people like me that have the S, and a 1080p TV? Or is there no difference?

They say there is but personally, if I didn't have a 4K tv, I wouldn't bother.

Yikes. I have actually been really surprised by the size of my Xbox One games in general. Like...I have 3 or four Xbox games that are larger than anything I have on PS4 and I have way more PS4 games.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

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I get that higher storage requirements are to be expected with higher graphical fidelity, but those numbers just sound absurd and lazy.

Now that 14GB download for LA Noire is just a joke now, but wasn't there a "project" by Microsoft to allow users to just download the necessary files to keep the file size at a minimal? When will that happen again?


Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6340-7643-4233 aka Renji

Steam: Lee Roid

100gb for a game is just utterly ridiculous.



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Gotta make room for those high-def textures. Gameplay isn't fun otherwise.

Johnw1104 said:
I get that higher storage requirements are to be expected with higher graphical fidelity, but those numbers just sound absurd and lazy.

I doubt first party games sizes are related to laziness. They know there consoles inside and out. It could just be, you know, content? Gears 4 is even 100+GB on PC.