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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSVR sold 500k in three month period through June

bluedawgs said:

you're talking to a wall, you're wasting you're time

A wall doesn't talk back though :p

Besides my wife and kids are fighting over the snes mini atm, I'm watching them from my laptop. I bought the physical edition of Eve Valkyrie as well today, discounted now with the new big cross platform cross output update. Gonna be playing against some hotas pc players tonight, see how it holds up.

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celador said:

seems pretty healthy, more than I was expecting. Not sure about the lineup for the rest of the year beside GT Sport, but looks like it may have a good holiday















Barozi said:
VR needs far more games. It's extremely under supported, just like Kinect and PS Move last gen.
Some indie games and dumbed down VR modes in other games won't do much.

See post above for upcoming games

Already released:
















bluedawgs said:
the $400 ($600 with camera and move controllers) peripheral sells nearly 2 million units in less than a year and dudes who've never actually given VR a chance are still coming out of the woodworks to downplay and spew salt all over the thread in regards to a brand new way to play games. I really don't get it lol, what, besides fanboy bias, makes all of you so mad and upset about such a thing? boggles the mind.

I bought a PSVR in November of last year without ever trying VR prior to that, and it ended up being EASILY one of the best purchases I've made. Resident Evil 7, Farpoint, Superhot, Rush of Blood, Batman Arkham VR, PSVR Worlds, the upcoming horror game The Inpatient which is a fucking prequel to an awesome game known as Until Dawn, Gran Turismo Sport, Bravo Team and a shit ton of other games releasing every week and in the near future. It's fucking sick, everyone I've introduced to VR has been blown away, to family members who are toddlers all the way to fucking grown ass adults and multiple friends of mine, have had their minds blown. PSVR at the VERY LEAST will sell well over 10 million units before the next version of the headset releases years from now. Good shit

People just get insecure their "expensive" game console they own might get obsolete or not beeing as good anymore if VR is good, so they talk to themself that is HAS TO BE BAD.


See, if the next iPhone, Playstation or whatever else gets released, many people also think that the existence of that device alone will make their "old" phone/playstation worse. It doesnt make much sense though, because your device still does the some stuff. But many people still think this.


As I bought the iPhone 4 back in 2010 it was the hottest device you could probl own. Now, 7 years later, nobody is impressed by it, but the technology of the phone itself never changed.

Medisti said:
I haven't heard a single friend mention PSVR since it came out. I did get to try one at Fry's late last year, but I wasn't impressed enough to drop the money on it, especially when I'd need the Pro for the best experience on it. Think I'll stick with my OG PS4 and Switch for now, unless a real killer app comes to the VR.


you also need the ps4pro for the best expierence when playing normal ps4 games on your tv ;) 

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rolltide101x said:
jason1637 said:

How is it useless?

As an owner of PSVR, (most of my PSN friends have the same opinion as well) VR is cool for a while, but in no way should it ever go mainstream over traditional ways of playing games.


I have had one since Day 1 and probably around 5% of my gaming time has been on it (probably not even that) 


I have one scince launch and 100% of my PS4 gaming time was on it (havnt played anything non vr scince then). Only non vr games ive played the past year are zelda botw and mk8 on switch.

Farpoint with aim controller was outstanding. Would prefer playing a game like this in vr with the aim controller anyday aboout cod/battlefield/battlefront/destiny

rolltide101x said:

#1 Relevance?


#2 So you admit that VR is not a good platform yet?


The difference is Pong was FUN, people spent hours and hours with it. People still play it today to a degree. VR is supposed to blow us all away and it has fell flat to be honest. I have several friends on PSN with a PSVR that I never see them use and my personal friends also rarely use theres. Now I understand this is a small case study and there are people who love it but I have a feeling its a niche for the majority of people.


The PSVR has currently 4,5/5 stars on amazon (higher then any gaming console (PS4, Xbox One, Switch) currently.


Farpoint and the Aim Controller have 4,8/5 Stars, one of the highest rating on any video game currently.


I think people are impressed with it and like it ;)

nanarchy said:
chakkra said:

I'm totally saving this thread for when Nintendo and Microsoft finally release their VR Headsets.  I have a feeling that some users here that "don't see the appeal in VR" will start magically seeing its appeal when Nintendo or Ms put theirs in the market.

We heard the same crap about 3D TV with the vendors and fans of 3D TV spruiking the same crap, the reality is VR (in its current form and current content) is not appealing to the majority beyond a brief gimmick. Unless MS or Nintendo release something significantly different/improved I can't see that changing, the buy in cost vs the benefit just isn't their and doesn't look like it will be their this gen of technology.

Again: 4,5/5 Stars verified purchased amazon reviews, higher then any current gen console. Doesnt look like it wont appeal to people.

rolltide101x said:

I am saying IF you took VR functions of Farpoint away it would be considered a "bad" FPS. I know its not fair to do that to the game because that is the point. But the point I am making is it is/would be considered to be a subpar shooter.


With all of this said I do own Farpoint with the Aim controller and it probably is my favorite VR game to date. But in no way does it compare to any of the other games I have mentioned. (Same goes for Rigs)

The game was made by 16 people on a small budget. As sales will increase, games budgets will increase as well and if everything goes right, we will have gams like Destiny, Battlefront, COD and co in VR anytime in the future.

rolltide101x said:

Name a VR FPS as deep as Battlefield/CoD...... It does not exist hence the current ones are "dumbed down". If you can not accept that VR games are lacking in content/depth compared to more traditional games I do not know what to tell you because that is a fact...


Inspiration has nothing to do with practicality. You could say that about various different things. 

Games that can be played in VR and not in VR are better in VR though.




Star Wars Xwing VR Mission compared to Fighter Squadron


Resident Evil 7 VR vs normal TV play


Eve Valkyrie Warzone in VR compared to normal TV Play


Rez Infinite in VR compared to Rez infinite normal TV Play


Dirt Rally VR compared to Dirt Rally without VR


The only game that might not be as good as in vr might be driveclub because of the massive hit on image quality.


Every other game that can be play it VR and without VR is better in VR. So why do you think it will be niche if it enhance almost every game?