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Forums - General Discussion - Game Of Thrones Season 7 FINAL episode POLL up



10 83 35.78%
9 61 26.29%
8 38 16.38%
7 23 9.91%
6 10 4.31%
5 4 1.72%
4 1 0.43%
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1 10 4.31%


The latest episode is probably in my top 3 GOT episodes of all time. Sure there are some questionable things with the story, but I still thought the episode was excellent. .


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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All in all, it was a great episode. Arya finally rejoins her family. We got to see some nice dragon combat although I was really wishing for Drogon not to get hit and it was good to see the Lannister suffer a defeat for once this season.

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Nice episode, hard for me to ever care about Dany though. I hope we get more Jorah soon. Also old man Tarly basically disappeared that fight, so I am wondering where he went and why he sucked at battling.

Btw was the high septim arc in the books? Because that is when the show took a drop imo. The actor was amazing but the logistics went over my head.

Farsala said:

Btw was the high septim arc in the books? Because that is when the show took a drop imo. The actor was amazing but the logistics went over my head.

yes its in the books but it has not finished yet. Margery was released and Cersei is awaiting trial after doing the walk of atonement.

in the books Loras was never arrested, instead he lead an assault on Dragonstone. he successfully takes the castle but is injured in the process and its unknown whether or not he will survive.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Farsala said:
Nice episode, hard for me to ever care about Dany though. I hope we get more Jorah soon. Also old man Tarly basically disappeared that fight, so I am wondering where he went and why he sucked at battling.

Btw was the high septim arc in the books? Because that is when the show took a drop imo. The actor was amazing but the logistics went over my head.

Yes, book 4 which is easily the worst book in the series, book 5 got a bit better but still the quality of the books took a tumble around the same time that the show did.  Though I personally rank season 6 above seasons 2/3/5 but that's just me.


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JakDaSnack said:
Farsala said:
Nice episode, hard for me to ever care about Dany though. I hope we get more Jorah soon. Also old man Tarly basically disappeared that fight, so I am wondering where he went and why he sucked at battling.

Btw was the high septim arc in the books? Because that is when the show took a drop imo. The actor was amazing but the logistics went over my head.

Yes, book 4 which is easily the worst book in the series, book 5 got a bit better but still the quality of the books took a tumble around the same time that the show did.  Though I personally rank season 6 above seasons 2/3/5 but that's just me.

I agree with you!

And wait... wat? The High Sparrow storyline was excellent! He came from nothing and became a proeminent figure in a matter of 2 seasons... and Jonathan Pryce is a damn god. The plot twist in Season 6 with Tommen was kinda good too! Classic ASOIAF.

They had a really cool battle scene going and just had to destroy it by adding a tired "lonely gunner vs. flyer" fight and giving Bronn (this guy has really overstayed his welcome, get rid of him already) some kind of fire-dodging super power. Entire regiments where engulfed in flames and turned to ashes in mere seconds by a single attack yet Bronn just side-steps the attacks and walks away unharmed. -_-'

And I still can't understand how Highgarden was that easy to take. The Tyrells are in a war yet didn't have anyone to defend their King piece? Considering how important the food stacks from that place seems to be you'd think Dany & co would do a little bit more to assure it won't fall into enemy hands.
Ugh, some things makes this season painful to watch.

forest-spirit said:
They had a really cool battle scene going and just had to destroy it by adding a tired "lonely gunner vs. flyer" fight and giving Bronn (this guy has really overstayed his welcome, get rid of him already) some kind of fire-dodging super power. Entire regiments where engulfed in flames and turned to ashes in mere seconds by a single attack yet Bronn just side-steps the attacks and walks away unharmed. -_-'

And I still can't understand how Highgarden was that easy to take. The Tyrells are in a war yet didn't have anyone to defend their King piece? Considering how important the food stacks from that place seems to be you'd think Dany & co would do a little bit more to assure it won't fall into enemy hands.
Ugh, some things makes this season painful to watch.

I like Bronn, every time he's onscreen he never fails to make me laugh with his straight-to-the-point attitude and his great one-liners. I can't help feel he will have a big part to play at some point, hence the reason he's not dead yet and as you say, he survived a battle he really shouldn't of. We're very close to the conclusion of Game Of Thrones now so most of the characters left in it are centrepoint major characters or characters that will have a major part to play, whether it's against the white walkers or something else.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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I laughed when Bronn laughed at hearing the name "Dickon". Funny stuff.

forest-spirit said:
They had a really cool battle scene going and just had to destroy it by adding a tired "lonely gunner vs. flyer" fight and giving Bronn (this guy has really overstayed his welcome, get rid of him already) some kind of fire-dodging super power. Entire regiments where engulfed in flames and turned to ashes in mere seconds by a single attack yet Bronn just side-steps the attacks and walks away unharmed. -_-'

And I still can't understand how Highgarden was that easy to take. The Tyrells are in a war yet didn't have anyone to defend their King piece? Considering how important the food stacks from that place seems to be you'd think Dany & co would do a little bit more to assure it won't fall into enemy hands.
Ugh, some things makes this season painful to watch.

It bothered me more that Dany didn't flank the lannister army to begin with.  She could have destroyed their entire army before the dothraki even got there but instead chose to face them head on.  I can somewhat buy the whole Bronn getting out of the way thing.

As for the whole attack on Highgarden, just because they didn't show the actual attack doesn't mean there were not casualties.  Most of the battles in season 1/2/3 were skipped.  And besides, they weren't expecting the Lannister army to go after it, I don't think Tyrian knew that the gold mines had run dry and that casterly rock was worthless.
