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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 2017-04-12 Nintendo Direct minmin horde day

tolu619 said:
JEMC said:
Perfect timing for me... to go to sleep and read about it the next morning.

In any case, I doubt they'll show anything else beyond those two games. E3 is in two months and they'll probably keep the surprises for then.

Wasn't it in 2015 where Nintendo revealed quite a few new games a month before E3, only for us to discover they weren't saving any "real surprises" for E3?

I dont remember ND before E3 2015, but that E3 2015 for Nintendo was terible and clear sign that they start abondening Wii U beacuse NX/Switch. Saying that, Nintendo have tons of staffs to show at this year E3, lotsa their teams release last their bigger games few years ago and they scheduled to be released or at least show soon their new games.

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David_Hernandeez said:
Vini256 said:

This thread is pretty silent for a Nintendo Direct announcement, so let's predict stuff shall we? :P

My predictions:

- New Splatoon 2/ARMS info (Obviously). Likely to include release dates.
- 3DS info: Ever Oasis, Pikmin, Fire Emblem Echoes, Box Boy 3, maybe other games here and there.
- More Zelda amiibo (SS Link, Fierce Deity Link, TP Link).
- One or two surprise games for Switch.
- Maybe some info on Zelda DLC.
- Maybe some system update news showing off new features.

Edit: Really hoping we get some Virtual Console news, or at least some My Nintendo rewards for the Switch.


That probably means 5-10 minutes on Arms and Splatoon 2 each, with 2-3 minutes max on other titles and informations. I would be rather surprised if we don't get a character reveal or three on Fire Emblem Warriors for example.

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

I know that it's mainly focused on Splatoon 2 and Arms, but I really hope that they'll have a few surprises up their sleeves!

David_Hernandeez said:
Vini256 said:

This thread is pretty silent for a Nintendo Direct announcement, so let's predict stuff shall we? :P

My predictions:

- New Splatoon 2/ARMS info (Obviously). Likely to include release dates.
- 3DS info: Ever Oasis, Pikmin, Fire Emblem Echoes, Box Boy 3, maybe other games here and there.
- More Zelda amiibo (SS Link, Fierce Deity Link, TP Link).
- One or two surprise games for Switch.
- Maybe some info on Zelda DLC.
- Maybe some system update news showing off new features.

Edit: Really hoping we get some Virtual Console news, or at least some My Nintendo rewards for the Switch.


Okay...? Focusing, sure. Doesn't mean they can't show other stuff. Besides, we don't even know how long the Direct will be.

Thought: that Bayonetta countdown ends about a day before the Direct pops up. It's a stretch, but could there be some sort of connection?

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

Around the Network
KrspaceT said:
Thought: that Bayonetta countdown ends about a day before the Direct pops up. It's a stretch, but could there be some sort of connection?

Pretty unlikely, as that's probably going to be about a Bayonetta 1 PC port. Would love to be wrong, though =P

Miyamotoo said:
tolu619 said:

Wasn't it in 2015 where Nintendo revealed quite a few new games a month before E3, only for us to discover they weren't saving any "real surprises" for E3?

I dont remember ND before E3 2015, but that E3 2015 for Nintendo was terible and clear sign that they start abondening Wii U beacuse NX/Switch. Saying that, Nintendo have tons of staffs to show at this year E3, lotsa their teams release last their bigger games few years ago and they scheduled to be released or at least show soon their new games.

They had an April 1st direct and a mini direct a week or two before E3. Plus the Smash Bros Extra Content presentation prior to the Nintendo World Championships.

tolu619 said:
JEMC said:
Perfect timing for me... to go to sleep and read about it the next morning.

In any case, I doubt they'll show anything else beyond those two games. E3 is in two months and they'll probably keep the surprises for then.

Wasn't it in 2015 where Nintendo revealed quite a few new games a month before E3, only for us to discover they weren't saving any "real surprises" for E3?

I don't know if it was in 2015, but yes, they did that mistake once. But I assume that they are smart people, and that they won't make the same mistake again.

That said, Nintendo has an habit of repeating past mistakes, so I could be wrong.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Give dat Splatoon info!


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