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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rocket League reaches 10.5m sold and 29m Unique Players - Years of Support planned

Well I own it on PC, Xbox and PS4 :) 

......and I'm still shit at it.

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WoodenPints said:

Well I own it on PC, Xbox and PS4 :) 

......and I'm still shit at it.

You need to watch more Rocket Leage esports to realize that you're not just shit, but the shit under the dirt under the actual shit.

Watch RLCS League Play this Saturday and Sunday live on Twitch! :)

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Not many games reach these numbers.
Impressive more than 30million systems almost have had it installed.
And its a good party game, I wouldnt be surprised if atleast that many have actually also tried the game (at a friends house and such).