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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Till dawns early light.

You know the drill how many of us really intend to be venturing from our homes on April 29th. You have either scheduled time off I am most definitely guilty of this one or your going to call in unfit for duty. Which will probably not be far from the truth having spent the last sixteen hours ratcheted up about the game you are about to buy, and the game you are going to play well past dawn. I think we know who we are so the question I ask is this. Who is with me.

I would love to get a team together of the best 360 posters on these forums, and spend that night with pleasant company as we belittle other community members behind their backs, and we nuke noobs on the streets of Liberty City. The only thing that matters to me really is that you have a functioning Mic. Curious to see if we can get a who is who on this site together on one game, and this is the latest game which just about everyone is going to purchase.

So who is up for this little party. Leave your gamertag. Mine is Dodece so feel free to add me to your friends list. Lets see if we can get something great going with this thread. Please no spamming or trolling. This is obviously about hooking together a 360 group for the launch of the game.  

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Mine is I don't own a PS3/360 so I'm going to get yelled at since I posted on this oh well. (Make sure you get it right the first time. Otherwise Chuck Norris kills you in your sleep.)

Mine is Ko Leifoh. Add me whenever.


I actually scheduled a week's vacation from work for the purpose of having time to play GTA IV. It's a shame I cancelled my XBL Gold account; I would have been curious to hear if the inimitable Dodece talks just like he types.

All the best to you guys, though.

If I get GTAIV on launch....Count me in...

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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what game types will we be doing shooting, racing, durby, or what ever else there is

Sorry, I will still be playing Mario Kart. No time for GTA4.

^Guy pissing on Microsoft Sign



I confess I did the same thing for the week of the launch. I would actually be surprised if Microsoft didn't have the free month offer available with this game in much the same way that they did with Halo 3.


I would think the first hour would be dedicated to free play where we basically just explore the city so we have some understanding of the cities layout. That is important for competitive play. However the next hour we would probably create the standard scenario of Columbine. The players start a war with the cops and see how long they can survive or whether they can escape after reaching a five star rating. Then we could get real competitive and try out Cops, N Crooks, or Mafia for a couple hours.

We should probably keep the racing till last on the agenda, because everyone is bound to want something different. Some will want a true racing experience others will want the over the top arcade experience. The host has to decide on things such as traffic, police pursuit, and number of laps. I suppose the first would probably be a very long race Where half the people take the mode seriously and the other half can just go tool around off the coarse or let themselves be nuisances.