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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Cater To The Lowest Common Denominator?

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The PC has always catered/held back because of the lowest common denominator (Consoles).

It all comes down to money and sales.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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I don't really think you should complain that much.

1) The PS4 Pro is still a PS4, not a 9th gen console.

2 )The PS3 having a less stable perfomance in multiplats than Xbox 360:
Third-party developers found it difficult to utilise the Cell architecture of the PS3s CPU.
On the other hand, first-party studios, like Naughty Dog, made wonders.
And even for them, It was a pain in the arse.
"Cell processor's unique architecture hindered progress on the racing series."

3) The Xbox One holding back PS4 > Maybe yes or no.

i) Maybe yes:
-Destiny being 1080p 30fps on both consoles

(But Destiny was also released on PS3/X360. So this might be the reason behind why their next-gen counterparts were scaled back a little bit.Same goes for other games e.g. Call of Duty:Ghosts)

ii) No:
-Tomb Raider Definitive Edition:
60fps on PS4,30fps on Xbox one

P.S. Not everybody has a steady income or are highly paid. It greatly depends on the person's financial status.