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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

Tagged! Kidding. I have no clue how to tag stuff.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!

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jason1637 said:
JRPGfan said:
PS4 games lineup in 2017 is scary..... its gonna be hard for Microsoft to take back that NPD win next year.... until scorpio.

They could take iy in Febuary (halo wars 2)

Really? Halo Wars 2 is going to push hardware this far into the cycle?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Congrats to Sony.

Aura7541 said:

And their engagement PR sounds weird, too. It sounds like MS is doing a YOY comparison on a specific day (November 27, 2016 vs. November 27, 2015) as opposed to a month YOY comparison.

Now that's what you call cherry picking!!!

Wait, are they saying more hours are spend gaming on a Sunday vs a Friday?

Well done Knack

Around the Network
binary solo said:
jason1637 said:

They could take iy in Febuary (halo wars 2)

Really? Halo Wars 2 is going to push hardware this far into the cycle?

I honestly think Horizon Zero Dawn, is a much bigger console seller than Halo Wars 2 will be.

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CosmicSex said:
But Crapgamer said....

Crapgamer is an attention-straved 41 year-old man who's desperate to grow subs anyway he can.

BraLoD said:

I remember when PS4 lost BF 2014, someone said this guy was talking crap (very fitting), then PS4 went back on winning December and he went on full defensive mode on twitter as people linked here, I went there and twitted, something I don't even actually use, and he replied to me still in full crap (again, fitting) defensive mode... yeah, must be going that route again right now.

Poor dude...

I used to watch him just to be able to spot who follows him on forums. Trust me, it's quite remarkable.


The PS5 Exists. 

It's good to know that VGC has a knack for shitty puns.