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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: FFXV 90+ on metacritic (PS4/PS4 Pro)

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Your prediction!

90-95 20 29.41%
85-90 48 70.59%


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Objectification is quite a normal phenomenon.

Anfebious said:

False. Having female non playable characters means that you can't use them as your "sex toys".

You can't play with them as you see fit (e.g. dressing them in weird costumes). And that makes you mad.

They're just decoration, that's lovely.

gatito said:
Anfebious said:

False. Having female non playable characters means that you can't use them as your "sex toys".

You can't play with them as you see fit (e.g. dressing them in weird costumes). And that makes you mad.

They're just decoration, that's lovely.

The main heroine in the game is a female character. Admit it, you are just mad that you can't dress Luna or Cindy as a catgirl/maid.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Nah, it's probably gonna be low 80's, no matter how good it is.

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85-90% seems to be the most reasonable, unless things change.

I would say 92-94/100. Think it will have more impressed with the game, and way fewer having a distaste.

I predicted 90 and im sure it will get at least 85.

Well, less than 11 days till the game's actual release. Will reviews come before the release date?

I can see it doing Dragon Age: Inquisition numbers

89 more or less

A wonderful game with some minor problems