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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - SEGA: Wii market bought our low-quality software

zippy said:
COKTOE said:

Sega was screwed by the vagabond Randy Pitchford and his team of flim-flam artists on that game. That's quite the viewpoint though. Doesn't seem like cherry picking at all.


That was my point, not all Sega games released on Wii were bad, same with PS360. Yet the internet will generalize Wii with having shitty Sega games.

I think the internet will generalize Wii with having shtting games anyway due to so much shovelware. It was just easier to sell those types of games on Wii cause they were cheaper and people were actually buying them at least intially. Doesnt mean there werent crap games on PS360 cause oh man there were

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The only excuse for shovelware is cheap easy money at the expense of harming your reputation.  They had a few good games on Wii but also a decent amount of shovelware.

Ka-pi96 said:
pray4mojo said:
So this guy is basically admitting he knowingly sold garbage to us? How is this a good thing?

Because admitting you have a problem is the first step to fixing it?

Yeah, just like all those times Nintendo talked about their problem with delays and weak launch consoles, and how the have fixed now...



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think-man said:
The wii library was 97% shovelware

Ignorant post that only deserved Sega's shovelware.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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Why are people acting like he's insulting Nintendo fans when he's really just talking about what his own company did wrong? Some of these replies are so odd.

Still, if people were buying shovelware then they share the responsibility for more shovelware coming to market. You give people what they want. If they want crap then you give them crap.

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pokoko said:
Why are people acting like he's insulting Nintendo fans when he's really just talking about what his own company did wrong? Some of these replies are so odd.

Still, if people were buying shovelware then they share the responsibility for more shovelware coming to market. You give people what they want. If they want crap then you give them crap.

I think for the bolded reason alone is why some poeple get defensive