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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. June bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

sabvre42 said:
malistix1985 said:

I'll laugh when NEO is more expensive but significantly higher selling and higher rated for UHD.

The Xbox One S is an amazing bang for the buck but right now Xbox is in a bad place, PS4 is what people buy, PS4 is getting more games and most of our friends are most likely playing on PS4, I don't have a xbox one and with Gears 4 coming to PC I will most likely never own one.

Its a sad place to be for microsoft but I hope the Xbox One S sells well, it deserves it.

Twitter @CyberMalistix

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malistix1985 said:
sabvre42 said:

I'll laugh when NEO is more expensive but significantly higher selling and higher rated for UHD.

The Xbox One S is an amazing bang for the buck but right now Xbox is in a bad place, PS4 is what people buy, PS4 is getting more games and most of our friends are most likely playing on PS4, I don't have a xbox one and with Gears 4 coming to PC I will most likely never own one.

Its a sad place to be for microsoft but I hope the Xbox One S sells well, it deserves it.

Can you explain that? If it has no more exclusives (PC gets all of them), existing exclusives are slowly launching on PC, overall it has less games, and the games that do launch are inferior to a similiarly priced competitor.... how does it deserve good sales?

sabvre42 said:
malistix1985 said:

The Xbox One S is an amazing bang for the buck but right now Xbox is in a bad place, PS4 is what people buy, PS4 is getting more games and most of our friends are most likely playing on PS4, I don't have a xbox one and with Gears 4 coming to PC I will most likely never own one.

Its a sad place to be for microsoft but I hope the Xbox One S sells well, it deserves it.

Can you explain that? If it has no more exclusives (PC gets all of them), existing exclusives are slowly launching on PC, overall it has less games, and the games that do launch are inferior to a similiarly priced competitor.... how does it deserve good sales?

Its a 299,- beautifull looking small console, with a lot of games you can play and not everybody has a high end pc, in addition its the cheapest 4k blue ray player on the market and a really good looking new controller. Its not a bad deal in my opinion, it sounds like you disagree but that is obviously an opinion, which I hope not many share, since I think it deserves good sales, but lets stop this discussion because its about sales numbers not opinions.

Twitter @CyberMalistix

7 hours since last update:

#08 XB1S-2tb (down 2)
#11 XB1 Halo Bundle (re-entry)
#48 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (up 2)
#61 XB1S-500gb (down 3)
#76 N3DSXL Red (up 4)
#87 XB1S-1tb (re-entry)
#99 N3DSXL Black (down 9)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#01 PS4 The Last Guardian (same)
#05 WiiU Zelda: Breath Of Wind (same)
#07 PS4 Persona 5 PE (up 1)
#13 PS4 Horizon: Zero dawn CE (up 1)
#44 PS4 Star Ocean (down 1)

People are pre-ordering the 500gb and the 1tb version of the slim which don't release until Dec. That's going to canabilise sales for MS throughout the rest of this year, unless MS are hoping to force people into buying the more expensive version, but even then that will leave a hole for two months. The cost of grabbing an NPD or two could be losing heavily in the previous months. It feels like a cash grab for Christmas, although I can't blame MS because that's always when they traditionally stuff the market with exclusives.


The PS5 Exists. 

Damn look at all the PS4 games in the top 50. 15 out the 28 games are PS4.

Around the Network
GribbleGrunger said:

People are pre-ordering the 500gb and the 1tb version of the slim which don't release until Dec. That's going to canabilise sales for MS throughout the rest of this year, unless MS are hoping to force people into buying the more expensive version, but even then that will leave a hole for two months. The cost of grabbing an NPD or two could be losing heavily in the previous months. It feels like a cash grab for Christmas, although I can't blame MS because that's always when they traditionally stuff the market with exclusives.

The other two models don't have a release date, that's why it says December. They are supposed to be released soon after the 2TB model, so either late August or September.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

God of War is up for preorder!r

Damn Amazon and their 20% off retail games preventing me from going all digital.

Welfare said:

The other two models don't have a release date, that's why it says December. They are supposed to be released soon after the 2TB model, so either late August or September.

Ah, so just a placeholder date. Thanks.


The PS5 Exists. 

I wonder where PS4 will normalise since there were no new hardware announcements at E3. I'm sure people were expecting some. Maybe we'll get a FFXV and COD bundle at gamescom? Price cut and neo too.

XB1 should easily win August with the S model. But i'm not expecting a big gap.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

10 hours since last update:

#10 XB1s-2tb (down 2)
#31 XB1 Halo Bundle (down 20)
#40 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (up 8)
#63 N3DSXL Red (up 13)
#74 XB1s-500gb (down 15)
#90 XB1 Three Game Bundle (re-entry)
#94 N3DSXL Black (up 5)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#03 PS4 The Last Guardian (down 2)
#05 WiiU Zelda: Breath Of Wind (same)
#09 PS4 Persona 5 PE (down 2)
#14 PS4 Horizon: Zero dawn CE (down 1)
#39 PS4 Star Ocean (up 5)


The PS5 Exists.