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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

Now all that is left is to see how it sells.

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Not surprised by the score, and really my interest in the game have died since they let us know they forced mandatory and quirky motion controls scheme, also switching between screens in a fast paced game is a terrible decision.

Welp, doens't look that good according to the scores. Let's see how it goes.

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spemanig said:
Now all that is left is to see how it sells.

True. I don't really think it will sell well. Mandatory motion controls are not for everyone, and though I might like them or not, it will affect sales negatively. We'll see. I hope that if this is the case, they won't blame the franchise itself...

Volterra_90 said:

 By the way, when will be the short aired? Is it in 2 hours or tomorrow? 



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EDIT: Oh, and that Polygon not-review?? The guy is supposed to be a professional reviewer, what the hell is that "it's so bad that I won't play it"? First world problems I guess. What a jerk.

You're being a bit disingenuous. He gave a detailed critique of the game before writing that. He did his job. The only thing he didn't do was given number, which would've obviously dried Star Fox Zero's score way down.

Mar1217 said:

It's today actually, but it isn't if you're in Europe

Oh you are right, my bad.


Volterra_90 said:

True. I don't really think it will sell well. Mandatory motion controls are not for everyone, and though I might like them or not, it will affect sales negatively. We'll see. I hope that if this is the case, they won't blame the franchise itself...

I actually think it'll sell better than I expected it to originally.

I'm not going to mince words though – I hope the sells poorly because I don't want this to be a new precedent for the franchise. I'd rather take another 10 year break with Star Fox and have them try again than have more games like this.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
pokoko said:
Interesting to see some people trying to rationalize the score as being the fault of reviews only liking open world games when plenty of non-open world games get good scores.

I don't know if that's necessarily it. I think some fans are lamenting the fact that there isn't an audience out there for a 90s rail shooter. If Panzer Dragoon came out today it would probably be ripped to shreds. Yet I think it's one of the best games I've ever played.

There's great diversity in the industry, particularly among independent game developers. But not all genres are created equal.

There were definitely a few comments that seemed to imply that the score of Star Fox is the fault of open world games being popular.  Reading back over it, it's pretty clear that some people were trying to construct that as a scapegoat.

As for the genre, just from skimming the reviews I can tell that Star Fox could have gotten a much better score if it had taken care of most of the more common criticisms.  What if it had more intuitive controls?  What if it had a lot more content and been more inventive?  It sounds like they could have made a better game, regardless of the genre, and it would have gotten better reviews.

Seems like the lack of content may be hurting it more than the controls which are also hurting it too.