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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

Welp. Looks like this game is trash by VGC standards

With that said, I'm still going to pick it up, probably during the Summer

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Polygon is not happy.


There are things that I don't hate about Star Fox Zero.

Star Fox Zero feels like every muddled, unsuccessful experiment with the Wii U was stuffed into a single game.

I've made it through a little more than half of the game, and thus far, Star Fox Zero isn't just a collection of mechanical problems. Levels are extremely simple, lacking any real sense of spectacle or, well, adventure. Combat moves in fits and starts, and levels are very short, often ending just as they find any sense of rhythm or satisfaction.

In many ways, Star Fox Zero actually feels like a launch title for the Wii U console, full of half-fleshed out ideas that don't quite stick.

This isn't a review of Star Fox Zero. Save for very rare, extreme circumstances, Polygon reviews require that a game be completed, or at least a good faith effort be made to complete it.

I am not playing any more Star Fox Zero.

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Well Miyamoto said he was directing this game. Might explain it. That guy lost his ways since he directed Wii Music.

Pavolink said:

Polygon is not happy.


There are things that I don't hate about Star Fox Zero.

Star Fox Zero feels like every muddled, unsuccessful experiment with the Wii U was stuffed into a single game.

I've made it through a little more than half of the game, and thus far, Star Fox Zero isn't just a collection of mechanical problems. Levels are extremely simple, lacking any real sense of spectacle or, well, adventure. Combat moves in fits and starts, and levels are very short, often ending just as they find any sense of rhythm or satisfaction.

In many ways, Star Fox Zero actually feels like a launch title for the Wii U console, full of half-fleshed out ideas that don't quite stick.

This isn't a review of Star Fox Zero. Save for very rare, extreme circumstances, Polygon reviews require that a game be completed, or at least a good faith effort be made to complete it.

I am not playing any more Star Fox Zero.

Daaaaaaamn, that was harsh...

You would think reviewers adore simple short games, since they can complete them in one or two sittings, instead of having to go through a 70 hour RPG with 20 hours of cutscenes and 30 hours of needless walking around and grinding.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

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Luke888 said:

Daaaaaaamn, that was harsh...

Eh, it's Polygon. Maybe if it was a 1 hour walking simulator it would've gotten a full review and score.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Polygon can't finish Star Fox Zero? Is it THAT bad?

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Pavolink said:

Polygon is not happy.


There are things that I don't hate about Star Fox Zero.

Star Fox Zero feels like every muddled, unsuccessful experiment with the Wii U was stuffed into a single game.

I've made it through a little more than half of the game, and thus far, Star Fox Zero isn't just a collection of mechanical problems. Levels are extremely simple, lacking any real sense of spectacle or, well, adventure. Combat moves in fits and starts, and levels are very short, often ending just as they find any sense of rhythm or satisfaction.

In many ways, Star Fox Zero actually feels like a launch title for the Wii U console, full of half-fleshed out ideas that don't quite stick.

This isn't a review of Star Fox Zero. Save for very rare, extreme circumstances, Polygon reviews require that a game be completed, or at least a good faith effort be made to complete it.

I am not playing any more Star Fox Zero.

I don't relish calling out a fellow journalist, but that is bush league stuff right there. You can beat the game in under two hours, yet Mr. Gies couldn't be bothered to finish in order to provide his readers a complete picture of the game?

Polygon shows just how mature they really are. Seriously not finishing a game? I could only forgive that if the game is a glitchfest or is damn near unplayable.

Just goes to show how professional Polygon is.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.