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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - My Nintendo Launched in Japan! Take a Look at these Rewards..

Yeah, it doesn't confirm anything, but my guess now is that Nintendo is going full digital.

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physical prizes??

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Soooo I guess the next few smartphone games from Nintendo will also have these achievements. Which makes people who don't really seem fond of the game stilk download and use/play it.

Smart one Nintendo!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Volterra_90 said:
Yeah, it doesn't confirm anything, but my guess now is that Nintendo is going full digital.

This doesn't, but this plus literally everything else they've been saying and setting up for for the last two years definitely does. Well "confirm" is the wrong word. Guarantee is better.

All there is to do now is wait for the reveal.

spemanig said:
Here's an interesting little bugger. Apple is having its keynote on Monday. If there was ever a time and place to reveal/launch Nintendo's first mobile game to the west, it's there.

What does apple usually show in their Keynote? New product? Games? 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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RolStoppable said:

Not going to happen. 3DS and Wii U retail games are excluded because the already released games would require codes which they didn't come with; the upcoming games are too few to bother. NX is obviously not going to get talked about by Nintendo at this point in time, so for now digital 3DS and Wii U software purchases it is.

I think it could happen, actually. I really don't see the appeal of physical disks right now. They can bundle a card with a download code if people want to buy them "physical" on stores. Obviously the console will need to have a decent hard drive, but I think that NX will have it.

Rewards are looking very good and generous to me. I hope they keep them like that when the program releases here!

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

Volterra_90 said:

I think it could happen, actually. I really don't see the appeal of physical disks right now. They can bundle a card with a download code if people want to buy them "physical" on stores. Obviously the console will need to have a decent hard drive, but I think that NX will have it.

That's a given for a digital-only piece of console hardware. The money saved on not having a disk slot will be used for a very large HDD. I'd go as far as to guess 1TB.

An NFC card that unlocks games on your NX like you say is likely what's going to be done since Reggie said there'd be a physical "thing," but was careful not to clarify physical media. Doubt that'll matter, though. It'll only sell to parents and collectors. Everyone else will just download the game from their device like anyone else from the 21st century.

spemanig said:
Cloudman said:

Wait, so you only get the rewards if you buy games digitally? Okay, that's just lame, as someone who buys most games physical. I don't see why they just can't have codes to put in, like Club Nintendo did. Also, I don't believe the NX will be digital only. I don't see them dropping physical goods just yet.

And there are 2 games you can buy with Plat points, so that's something... I should have reworded that...

Because they are moving to digital only with the NX, meaning their's no point wasting recourses encouraging people to hold on to physical buying habits with the Wii U and 3DS. It would be a bad move to have codes for physical games under this reality, so it isn't lame. It's necessary.

You may not personally want digital only, but that's what's going to happen with NX. There's literally no reason to make My Nintendo digital only if they plan on supporting physical media in the future. Literally everything is pointing to this, and it has been for like two years now.

Picross and a DSiware game are barely something, Cloud, especially when they are far and away the most expensive things you can buy with them.

Still love you though lol not trying to be mean.

Well, it would be lame for me. I love having physical goods. T_T

Okay fine~ So buying games is more than mundane. I'll still take that anyways.



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Cloudman said:

Well, it would be lame for me. I love having physical goods. T_T

Okay fine~ So buying games is more than mundane. I'll still take that anyways.

You'll get used to it lol. Reggie said there would be a "physical thing," and a lot of us have speculated that that "thing" would be sume kind of NFC that unlocks the game on your NX, so you'll still have some physical goods.

It might even (very likely, let's be honest) unlock exclusive content like Amiibo does, which would be lame for me and good for you.