Castlevania Harmony of Despair - Stage 10 - Simon (PS3)
Castlevania Harmony of Despair - Stage 11 - Getsu Fuma Den - no commentary (PS3)
I made Jehuty & Anubis from Zone of the Enders in Gundam Breaker 4.
I have seen people make Pokemon. Cloud. Magicarp. Garbage Trucks. Batman. Goku. Mega Man. GUTS and more in this game. It's insane.
I was considering buying Gundam Breaker. Is it a long game to playthrough?
lgs20XP said: I was considering buying Gundam Breaker. Is it a long game to playthrough? |
Nah not really. A lot of content but the story is maybe 10 hours.
When I am not playing Space Marine 2 I am making Space Marines in Gundam Breaker 4.
Leynos said: When I am not playing Space Marine 2 I am making Space Marines in Gundam Breaker 4. |
Dang, the customization in this game is pretty beastly (that's good btw)
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