I don't get the criticisms that some people throw about the story in this game. Maybe they did not dig enough?
There will be some spoilers in this thread of course:
- The main story is quite complete in itself : the prologue is stunning and introduces the world and the background fantatiscally well. The story progress well, with several strong points unveiled, like that we are all mims, that the Ganglion is afraid of humans, going to the discovery of the mysterious mech called the Vita, as well as the sub story about the Wrothians. The treason of Lao and its reasons going far beyond "he is bad". The final revelation is extremely strong with both Elma background and even more the post credits cutscenes unveiling an ugly truth, the end of the humanity (for this spaceship at least) since it has been damaged since the arrival on Mira.
There are very intense and cool moments both playable and in cutscenes, like the defense of NLA inside the city against an army of ennemys skells, the fight against a giant ship going toward NLA, the fights against the Wrothians, and of course the final chapter.
I felt it was a really good and meaningfull writing even if there are questions left, it opens the road for a sequel.
- The relationship quests bring life to most of the charcters, giving them a background and expending them beyond the obvious. Your learn to know about Irina, Gwen, Frye, Doug, H.B, and all the others. It's an essential part of the story.
- The sidequests shines even more story wise, you get dozen of subplots going in parallel of the main story. There are many quests introducing new species and allowing you to watch how all these species interacts each other.
To quote some of them you got
- Sorties about a professor from the future travelling with a "back to the future car"
- Stories about a sect enrolling people
- Stories with a xeno racist wanting to get rid and to kill all the xenos
- Stories about a mysterious club of four who has hidden a big quantity of gold
- Stories about insect like xenos who need a mysterious water to multiply themselves
- Stories about two prones's clans, their wedding tradition, a love story between a human an a female prone
- Stories about female xenos able to change shapes (don't know their english names) directed by an AI
-Stories about the nopons, their greed, their adventures as merchants or a quest of a legendary sword..
And more and more and more. It almost feels like it never stop.
The universe of that game is huge and its story, both main story and sides stories are really great.