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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD is the most dissapointing Zelda remaster


Do you like the current TPHD?

Yes, because... 88 51.76%
No, because... 82 48.24%
Pavolink said:
Miyamotoo said:

I dont think so, like I wrote, WW already look solid, art style aged great, and with just higher resolution and better lighting game looks beautiful again. Basically they didn't need to change anything else, no textures or models. TP on other hand did not look exactly breathtaking even on launch in 2006, but today looks horrible, so just better lighting definitely wouldn't had some impact like has on WW HD.

That's your opinion, but reality is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definatly not so beautiful.

No. During the announcement someone put better lighting in an official screen of TPHD (similar lighting to TWWHD) in it looked not only good, but a lot better. There's no defense for this.

Can you link to the better lighting?

Can't wait for The Zelder Scrolls 3: Breath of The Wild Hunt!

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I really need to play Ocarina of Time...3DS version looks so much better



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

Pavolink said:
Meelow said:
I think a lot of the problem is people expected this


When that was not going to happen, Nintendo would have to completely remake the game.

I think content wise OOT3D was the most disappointing, graphic wise was great but they didn't even bother to fix the running man guy.

Anyway, what i think will be the bright of TPHD will be the content added and change, yes it might be the most disappointing visual upgrade wise but that doesn't mean it won't have the most content added to it.

Unfortunately, the content is locked behind amiibo. So, If I whish to buy digitally and no amiibo, I only have an underwhelming remaster and no new content to compensate the lackluster graphic update.

Except that is likely not going to be the only new content, we already seen in one of the scans that Stamps are now in the game, we don't know what they are for but they are there, I'm sure there will be a lot more.

It is but I'm going to buy it because I don't have the original anymore and the amiibo xD

OOT and MM 3d were remakes, not remasters.

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Esiar said:
Pavolink said:

No. During the announcement someone put better lighting in an official screen of TPHD (similar lighting to TWWHD) in it looked not only good, but a lot better. There's no defense for this.

Can you link to the better lighting?

I think he referred to this pictures. It looks better but definitely not big difference and definitely nothing that can be compared with WW HD graphics. And thats my point, WW HD looks so beatifule in comparision with TP HD beacuse WW art style aged great, and with just higher resolution and better lighting game looks beautiful again. Basically they didn't need to change anything else, no textures or models. TP on other hand did not look exactly breathtaking even on launch in 2006, but today looks horrible, so just better lighting definitely wouldn't had some impact like has on WW HD.

It is the safest, that's for sure. If safe is disappointing, then I guess this is. Ocarina and Majora aren't remasters though. In any case, I agree this particular remaster could have waited for next gen. The game itself is amazing though, so what am I complaining about...

The content is awesome we all know it it's my favorite zelda after ocarina of time, so i was expecting really awesome graphics, what it will apparently lack, that's a shame... I will still buy it for sure but i'm afraid to be a little disappointed

In the ideal situation, by the way, Zelda U would have released (in a complete state obviously) last holiday and Twilight Princess would have gotten a 2011 E3 tech-demo update for a NX release as a launch title. This is what I thought would happen up until the Zelda team screwed things up.

S.Peelman said:
In the ideal situation, by the way, Zelda U would have released (in a complete state obviously) last holiday and Twilight Princess would have gotten a 2011 E3 tech-demo update for a NX release as a launch title. This is what I thought would happen up until the Zelda team screwed things up.

That would be great, but in that case TP would be basically remake not HD port, and I dont think Nintendo would invest too many money on remake, when can they could make completely new game for similar money.