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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PC Platform is becoming the new home and definitive platform for the Final Fantasy Series (Prediction and Discussion Thread) (UPDATE 2025: Fulfilled)


What Final Fantasy game are you hoping will be released on PC/Steam next the most??

Final Fantasy I 9 7.20%
Final Fantasy II 1 0.80%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster 22 17.60%
Final Fantasy IX 12 9.60%
Final Fantasy XII 23 18.40%
Final Fantasy XV (per announcement) 44 35.20%
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions 14 11.20%
BasilZero said:
dharh said:
Final Fantasy won't sell nearly as much on the PC as it does on the consoles. Just like Fallout 4, and Battlefield, etc, etc.

This thread isnt about sales though. Its about availability and features.

I will still buy my Final Fantasy for my consoles not my PCs and not for the reasons that most others do, which is because their PCs are potatos while my PC is usually top of the line.  Rather I do so because of tradition and because I have more confidence in the console experience.  Not to mention almost all of those games I've already had well before the PC did.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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Ljink96 said:
Automatically disqualified: No FFIX.

Nope, Smartphone has more Final Fantasy than any platform, it should be the definitive system for it.

All this talk about Mobile>PC has me thinking if all these folk that are so inclined to include a platform they have previously voiced distaste for will say once that platform takes over their preference platform.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
All this talk about Mobile>PC has me thinking if all these folk that are so inclined to include a platform they have previously voiced distaste for will say once that platform takes over their preference platform.

Until PC gamers are more inclined in buying new games at full price it won't take over any other platforms anytime soon. Publishers understand how to optimize their profits and they've realized that in many cases releasing games on consoles first and then porting it later on PC results in higher profits. The buying culture on consoles is a lot more favorable for publishers. They can get away with selling more games at full price because consumers haven't been conditioned as much as PC gamers to wait for sales (something Nintendo has mastered for example). There's also the question of piracy that comes into play for PCs. Although on the other hand there's the used market for retail console games that is still a problem for publishers. But still this time exclusivity that many console games benefit from isn't going anywhere.

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Boutros said:

Until PC gamers are more inclined in buying new games at full price it won't take over any other platforms anytime soon. Publishers understand how to optimize their profits and they've realized that in many cases releasing games on consoles first and then porting it later on PC results in higher profits. The buying culture on consoles is a lot more favorable for publishers. They can get away with selling more games at full price because consumers haven't been conditioned as much as PC gamers to wait for sales (something Nintendo has mastered for example). There's also the question of piracy that comes into play for PCs. Although on the other hand there's the used market for retail console games that is still a problem for publishers. But still this time exclusivity that many console games benefit from isn't going anywhere.

Are we obligated to buy at full price even though it's been shown in many markets for hundreeds of years that quality is a very subjective thing?. I mean why should I pay full price for a game that's clearly broken or of much lesser quality than say a console version?. I support good quality titles when I see them, I bought SCII LotV at full price as a recent excample. Of course one culture is more favourable to another if they turn a blind eye, to those that don't then I can't see them being favourable in their eyes. I'm not really "conditioned" to wait for a low price, I judge a game via it's quality, length, gameplay and other aspects to judge a game from, not because I always think of waiting for a low price, I do this with everything else in life (or we could go with "you're the super rare one in 7 billion anomoly that actually bothers to research anything argument). Piracy is always going to be around for consoles and PC's, there is no complete and utter elminination of it, it's how you try to go around it that matter, Gabe had a talk about that years back and it still holds true today.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Boutros said:

Until PC gamers are more inclined in buying new games at full price it won't take over any other platforms anytime soon. Publishers understand how to optimize their profits and they've realized that in many cases releasing games on consoles first and then porting it later on PC results in higher profits. The buying culture on consoles is a lot more favorable for publishers. They can get away with selling more games at full price because consumers haven't been conditioned as much as PC gamers to wait for sales (something Nintendo has mastered for example). There's also the question of piracy that comes into play for PCs. Although on the other hand there's the used market for retail console games that is still a problem for publishers. But still this time exclusivity that many console games benefit from isn't going anywhere.

The numbers may be more for the consoles but people still buy PC games day 1 - doesnt mean everyone has to ;p

But ya, obviously consoles will have top priority (at least for now - hopefully it improves from several months to years towards several weeks to days) - but there are certain releases that come alongside consoles for an example I was surprised that Tales of Zestiria came out alongside the PS4 version in the west on the same date.

Now I cant speak for everyone else on the PC community but I for one dont mind waiting especially if I dont have to pay for the DLC since PC releases come with the DLC intact (i.e. WWE 2k15 and Final Fantasy XIII-2 for an example).

Something like what Bandai Namco did with Tales of Zestiria is more experimental I believe. I don't think it necessarily means that every Tales games from here on out will see a simultaneous PC release. A lot of publishers have been experimenting lately. That means keep buying stuff if you want more in the future :p

Nah, I can see definitely more FF on PC in the future but as long as it keeps selling well on PS it will remain as the home platform for FF since it will be in SE's best interest in prioritizing new releases there ...

Boutros hit the nail on the head and with x1 and ps4 absolutely beasting this November NPD it's not going to change anytime soon.

You may point out how it's better practice not to buy most games at launch at full price the way most pc gamers do and wait for a sale.

However the fact is console gamers are not shy about buying at full price so naturally they get a lot of games first. And publishers like rockstar would be crazy to release the pc version in the first two years. They know that many pc gamers will get it on a console and then buy it later again on pc. They'd be stupid to release it on PC day 1.

Oh and I don't remember ever talking down mobile. I personally use my smartphone more than any other device so any wild sweeping statements can kindly excuse me.

I'm not even on iOS but I'll admit it's the definitive place to play FF.

Every other thread is a PC x consoles thread in disguise and the thread that isnt is a XBox One x PS4 or a Nintendo x everyone thread in disguise.