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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 Remote Play for PC/Mac being worked on by Sony

Normchacho said:

Where have people been saying that? Also, as far as I'm aware the only Xbox One cross platform multiplayer games are ones made by Microsoft. They haven't been very open to allowing other studios to do so.

It's important to point out that what Sony is doing, and what MS does in regards to remote play are quite different. Sony won't require the player to be on the same network as their console to play games. That's a huge plus for a feature like this. Away on a trip and have some time to kill? Play some PS4 games from your laptop. This is being taken as miles better because the way Sony does it IS miles better.

Heavily implied a lot of the time and even mentioned in some cases.

Oh it's important to point it out sure but every time I see it being pointed out it's MS does something and Sony does it objectively better despite all else MS would do. As for the remote play t will still require you to own  Sony system the same way you'll have to own an X1 system. The way Sony does it is better for you, doesn't mean to say it's objectively better for everyone including myself.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Puppyroach said:

That they have seized with a lot of hardware has nothing to do with it. What you are seeing with with PSNow and now this with remote play, is Sony checking out what gamers think about not being bound to a specific hardware, but rather use the playstation platform as a utility across many hardware platforms. Sony's dream would of course be to sell more software than today, and not having to release new hardware every 6-8 years.

You don't have to have a PS3 anymore to play its games. How long do you think it will take until you can play PS4 games without a PS4?

By not being bound to a TV screen with a PS4 hooked up to it still means you're using that system on another screen. If that is their dream then I have yet to see them release to the other platforms without some sort of control centre to which you have to buy into/adhere to.

afaik you don't have all PS3 games made playable unless you own the system, even then the PS4 doesn't have 100% full backwards compat with PS3 and if you count the store then you are buying the same games over agan, count PSnow and you're streaming, not onwing. How long do you think?.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
Normchacho said:

Where have people been saying that? Also, as far as I'm aware the only Xbox One cross platform multiplayer games are ones made by Microsoft. They haven't been very open to allowing other studios to do so.

It's important to point out that what Sony is doing, and what MS does in regards to remote play are quite different. Sony won't require the player to be on the same network as their console to play games. That's a huge plus for a feature like this. Away on a trip and have some time to kill? Play some PS4 games from your laptop. This is being taken as miles better because the way Sony does it IS miles better.

Heavily implied a lot of the time and even mentioned in some cases.

Oh it's important to point it out sure but every time I see it being pointed out it's MS does something and Sony does it objectively better despite all else MS would do. As for the remote play t will still require you to own  Sony system the same way you'll have to own an X1 system. The way Sony does it is better for you, doesn't mean to say it's objectively better for everyone including myself.

An example or two?

Wait? How is it not objectively better? It does the same thing Xbox remote play does, plus something else. They both let you play games from your console to your PC on your home network, Sony just also lets you do so on other networks. I'm failing to see how that could be worse.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Normchacho said:

An example or two?

Wait? How is it not objectively better? It does the same thing Xbox remote play does, plus something else. They both let you play games from your console to your PC on your home network, Sony just also lets you do so on other networks. I'm failing to see how that could be worse.

Not to mention that it will be also available for all us lucky souls that don't own a Windows system but a Mac instead. :D

Normchacho said:
Chazore said:
Normchacho said:

Where have people been saying that? Also, as far as I'm aware the only Xbox One cross platform multiplayer games are ones made by Microsoft. They haven't been very open to allowing other studios to do so.

It's important to point out that what Sony is doing, and what MS does in regards to remote play are quite different. Sony won't require the player to be on the same network as their console to play games. That's a huge plus for a feature like this. Away on a trip and have some time to kill? Play some PS4 games from your laptop. This is being taken as miles better because the way Sony does it IS miles better.

Heavily implied a lot of the time and even mentioned in some cases.

Oh it's important to point it out sure but every time I see it being pointed out it's MS does something and Sony does it objectively better despite all else MS would do. As for the remote play t will still require you to own  Sony system the same way you'll have to own an X1 system. The way Sony does it is better for you, doesn't mean to say it's objectively better for everyone including myself.

An example or two?

Wait? How is it not objectively better? It does the same thing Xbox remote play does, plus something else. They both let you play games from your console to your PC on your home network, Sony just also lets you do so on other networks. I'm failing to see how that could be worse.

Sony and M$ are like two artists/writers trying to create a masterpiece by copying from the other's work.  Whatever one does, the other will do and often improve upon.  We'll wait to see how Sony's version works.  Then, we'll see how M$ reacts..... and we'll all win.