windbane said:
Not sure if it was him or not that I was responding to, but someone said that the games so far showed a superiority on the 360. Other than Gears and that bad port, I disagree, that's all. I'm not sure that any multi-plat release will show any differences unless they are more proficient with one system over another (such as Day 1 Studios so far). I agree that there is not a clear-cut advantage when comparing games out so far, but we're seeing the PS3 games improving already, and Motorstorm is already up there as one of the best graphical games. |
Huh? Go to IGN head to head, 1up, Eurogamer comparison articles..
I dont have time to track down the references but virtually every single multi-plat game so far has run if not looked better on 360. Also, many multi-plat releases have been delayed on PS3. The one exception I know of being Oblivion.