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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would handhelds be like if nintendo make the gameboy?

That is definitely a question to ponder… magic 8 ball says “maybe not”… hmmm

Keep it real guys, dont hate mario, hate the player

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I'm glad i was able to take part.

PS. Once again PS3 slapped XBOX360.

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


I think it would be a fairly dead market. Well, I guess dead is a bad word to use but pretty close to cell phone gaming.

The Game Gear was a piece of shit and if that was the only thing that just would have killed any hopes of the market to survive. We might have a few improvements on the Game Gear, but nothing near what we have today.

DaSimkin said:



I'm glad i was able to take part.

PS. Once again PS3 slapped XBOX360.

 Consider this your one and only warning: do not troll and do not post flamebait.

  1. If you can't manage to post anything in any way at all relevant to the discussion, don't post.  It's pretty simple.   You did not take part because your post contributed to nothing.
  2. There's not reason to bring the PS3 or 360 into this thread, do not post flamebait.  That part is only there to attract the trolls and nothing.
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