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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

#38 - Some people think this game is too hard. I think it's fun, but different.

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BraLoD said:
Clyde32 said:
#38 - Some people think this game is too hard. I think it's fun, but different.

Zelda 2?


BasilZero said:

Clues for #38

1. This game features a cast of all star characters
2. This game features for the first time characters from other companies
3. This game allowed you to use more than 1 type of controller.


Hint #39: A Cross-over fighting game from the 7th generation

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

BraLoD said:
CWegzz said:
Hint #39: A Cross-over fighting game from the 7th generation

J-Stars Victory


Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
CWegzz said:

No.  Isn't that 8th gen anyways?

Pretty sure it had a PS3 version before it came to the PS4 to the west.
It's a 7th gen game.

Yeah, I was wrong.  I was thinking about the + version.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

#38 Hint

Pretty much the definitive kart racer on PS1.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

CWegzz said:
Hint #39: A Cross-over fighting game from the 7th generation


Ultrashroomz said:

#38 Hint

Pretty much the definitive kart racer on PS1.


Clyde32 said:
CWegzz said:
Hint #39: A Cross-over fighting game from the 7th generation



Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz