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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

BraLoD said:
Farsala said:
BraLoD said:


But I was expecting you to go for the #8

I am guessing its Disgaea 4 or Disgaea D2, but I am not sure.

Disgaea 4 it is!
Seems like you actually didn't played it yet then, you would be completely sure if you had XP

You need to know the power of the sardines!

You are right about that. I played Disgaea 1-3 and 5. But 7th gen hates me and all my consoles from that gen are broken, so a lot of unplayed games. And since 7th gen insists on staying as expensive as a Wii U I upgraded.

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mZuzek said:
uran10 said:
hint #6
"Something has gone wrong in the happy go lucky world of Nintendo"


My next hint:
#6 - in this game's main city, there's an apartment on the second floor of a building where you're met by a creepy ghost girl that says some stuff and then disappears forever.


Pokemon X/Y

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

If there ever was a game that needed to count play-time, it is 'Rollercoaster Tycoon 2'. It's a shame I will never know, but I have undoubtedly put many thousands of hours into it, which likely makes it my most ever played game. There's really just two other contenders. I still have many of my saved-games from the very beginning, dozens and dozens of them and there's more added to that list on a fairly regular basis though certain parks alone take hundreds of hours to build.

A game which I played so regularly for such a long time has got to be good, and it is placed high on the list, because it is. The player is unlimited, and you can build anything you can imagine. The only downside is that the world didn't stand still, and advancements have been made in real life in ride-technology in the last one-and-a-half decade that isn't possible to replicate in the game without some doses of imagination. It doesn't spoil the fun however.

Even with those thousands, maybe even ten-thousand, of hours of playtime, I barely completed a single scenario. They're not interesting; the sandbox-mode, and the limitless designing possibilities that come with it is what it's all about, and I've gotten very good at it. Even without the use of the many available user-created content and hacks. In fact, what you see in the screenshot, is mine.

So there's my christmas game. Next up:

While the previous two games in this series, the quintessential one in it's genre, were using a number in the thousands, this one just used a single-digit number in it's name. It was also the last game before the series turned bad (like, there were almost riots in the streets bad), and interestingly so the publisher hasn't dared to use the number "5" in any sequel yet. There could very well be a connection.

BraLoD said:
Farsala said:
spurgeonryan said:
In forget what my hint was and what game......

9^...Dead island?


Nope. I will add some more hints

9 Hint: It seems you are the only human on the island, but it is still easy for you to make friends.
Hint 2: What to do first? Shall you improve your food situation? Get a bank? An arena or restaurant? An item shop? None of those and start collecting cards?

Hint 3: So you think you are safe at homebase? Guess again and get ambushed twice by strong opponents even if you are currently in weakened form.

Hint 4: Main gameplay can either be raising monsters, fighting monsters and progressing the story, or unlocking medals. (ancient achievements)

8 Hint: Circles and zombies.
Hint 2:

Hint 3: Popular multiplayer game, I preferred shotgun and SMG in this one.

7 Hint: This game let you be the main character of the series and an alien, unlike its predecessor.

9. Digimon World

Forgot to mention that this is correct!


8 is really easy guys.

8 Hint: Circles and zombies.
Hint 2:

Hint 3: Popular multiplayer game, I preferred shotgun and SMG in this one.

Hint 4: 1st game in a 3 part series now, possibly the most popular series.

7 Hint: This game let you be the main character of the series and an alien, unlike its predecessor.

Hint 2: FPS with interesting jumping and blast physics. Also interesting sword lunge physics.


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uran10 said:
mZuzek said:
uran10 said:
mZuzek said:
uran10 said:
hint #6
"Something has gone wrong in the happy go lucky world of Nintendo"


My next hint:
#6 - in this game's main city, there's an apartment on the second floor of a building where you're met by a creepy ghost girl that says some stuff and then disappears forever.


Melee will never be high on my list, its all the way back close to 40 try again.

I figured you wouldn't put Melee above Smash 4, but that's the first thing that comes to mind with that hint. In fact, I don't even have a second thing to come to my mind right now.

However, you should know mine.

I'll give another hint, those were the words in the commercial for the game and it only had 12 playable characters.



...You honestly hold Smash 64 in higher regard than Melee?

#7 - What happens when you make a zombie game without zombies? You get a masterpiece.

mZuzek said:
S.Peelman said:

So there's my christmas game. Next up:

While the previous two games in this series, the quintessential one in it's genre, were using a number in the thousands, this one just used a single-digit number in it's name. It was also the last game before the series turned bad (like, there were almost riots in the streets bad), and interestingly so the publisher hasn't dared to use the number "5" in any sequel yet. There could very well be a connection.

SimCity 4?


Farsala said:

8 is really easy guys.

8 Hint: Circles and zombies.
Hint 2:

Hint 3: Popular multiplayer game, I preferred shotgun and SMG in this one.

Hint 4: 1st game in a 3 part series now, possibly the most popular series.


CoD: Black Ops? I don't know.

S.Peelman said:
Farsala said:

8 is really easy guys.

8 Hint: Circles and zombies.
Hint 2:

Hint 3: Popular multiplayer game, I preferred shotgun and SMG in this one.

Hint 4: 1st game in a 3 part series now, possibly the most popular series.


CoD: Black Ops? I don't know.


Yes. The vid I linked even has it in the description lol.