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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Awesome Moments of Fallout 4 (Spoilers)

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How does a radroach get to be Legendary?

Why are ghouls drawn to railroad tracks?

I unticked a few boxes in settings and it seems to have helped my FPS a ton without me noticing any visual difference. I was getting stuttering in a few locations. Searchlights seem to be my biggest enemy by far. I'm below minimum specs so I'm not going to complain about the loss of a few visual effects.

40 hours with no major glitches or crashes. That destroys the performance on Skyrim and New Vegas, especially considering this is the same PC I played those games on.

I love the military vehicles scattered around. They look awesome. Ghouls do not look awesome, though, and I'm shocked that my settlers sleep in the same room with ghoul corpses.

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Bumping because people need to play more games and spend less time bitching about ps4/xbo occasionally losing frames.

So after about 28 hours I finally stumbled into Diamond City. It looked awesome, but I wanna go back during the day to see it really alive. Got a mission from there tracking down some detective. Right as I get to my destination I get attacked by some very large beast who throws rocks and beats on me. I found the Grognak outfit and axe in a certain store and while the axe does less damage than my super sledge, I can get so many more swings off with it per full AP bar (5 vs 2) that I am using it anyway. Then it drops this cool power fist type weapon.

Disappointed with the weak options with mods for melee weapons. It makes a melee character like mine kind of dull at times. Guns get such better mod options, virtually endless.