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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Need your help.

Ok Guys I am getting a new game tomorrow and i am planing to get Army of Two but if it's not there any idea of what i can get?Check my profile to see the games i have already! This if for my 360 btw!

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^Maybe you should actually buy Gears of War, seeing as the last time I checked, you were still borrowing it from someone...




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Do you have a friend to play co-op with? If not don't bother from what I've heard.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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Yeah i have it atm but it's not something i want all that much actually i am just gonna wait till Gears 2

^Oh. I see...
BTW, does GoW2 have 2 player co-op like the last one, or 4 player co-op... or none at all? Do You have any idea?




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
Around the Network

I have no idea at all but i am sure someone on here does

Make a thread about it!

(What do you think of my new sig?)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

It's awesome good job and why is this turning into a chat between me and you I NEED SOME HELP PEOPLE!!

How about Smash Bros...oh, wait you said 360. :)


how about lost odyssey or devil may cry 4?