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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Brawl Codes - The Final Ultimate Thread

FightingGameGuy said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Lame. The people I'm itching to play never seem to be around...

 Where's your FC anyway?  I'd love to play you.


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2191-7328-1340 thats my brawl code my wii friend code is 6571 2958 1572 0889

My Brawl Friend Code: 2191-7328-1340

     My Brawl Characters

add me.

Trell 2234-6889-5847

~Now Playing~
PC: Max Payne 3, World of Warcraft

X360: MW3, Skyrim

PS2: Persona 4

Last Purchase(s): Max Payne 3, WoW Game Time Next Purchase(s): None at the moment... 

Gamertag: InfernoTrell

I added Stever89, Words of Wisdom, The_Prince, and Bass.exe, and updated time zones for TruckOSaurus and brawl4life. Total count: 84 names.

Don't worry Parokki, I'll keep this thread alive for Europe too. I'll want to add a few Europeans to my friend list for my allnighters anyway. My sleep schedule's kind of on random.

I'm central time zone, I live in central Texas.

"Your grasp of the obvious is inspiring." - Commander Shepard
"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Commander Shepard
I support JRPGs on the Xbox 360.
Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad
"Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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my time zone is EST

thanks for creating this thread, it deserves to be stickied

Updated time zones for adajio and arsenalrc15. UPDATED GNIZMO'S CODE. IT IS NOW FIXED AND CORRECT.

Feel free to add me Brawl Name kmass


I have a few people from that list added, but ended up deleting a lot because they didn't add and didn't respond to post. I've played some great games with people on here.

And I'm on early in the am EST and after 9pm EST until whenever

If you add me let me know by posting in THIS thread or via a PM - It is what it is!

Well anybody want to play right now?

 Brawl FC: 1676 3397 6606

If you ad me please send me a PM with your FC too eh!

I'm PST, in California for the time being.

Thanks Words of Wisdom I'll add you ASAP.