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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Brawl Codes - The Final Ultimate Thread

Add me please :)

Brawl Code: 2793-0282-2531 (JTR)

Around the Network

Awesome im finnaly on the list :P

Updated Hyperion's alias and added Tiger 21 (JTR) to the list. Current count: 73 names.

Added terran77. Current count: 74 names.

mmnin 0087-1195-2359

Around the Network

I added mmnin to the list. Current count: 75 names.

I added Arkel to the list. Current count: 76 names.

Feel like adding me to the list?


Warning:  I do kind of suck. I just got the game.

Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

Click Sonic for my main Youtube channel :D

Thanks, now i´m on the list.

And please send me a PM if anybody want to play with me because i don´t have a lot of space for add 70 players.

 Brawl FC: 1676 3397 6606

If you ad me please send me a PM with your FC too eh!

Added shizzlee. Current count: 77 names.

The max you can actually add is 64. So we're just adding whoever we want when we're down to rock, in the comments and through PMs and whatnot.