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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Starfox Zero's graphics are bad

torok said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

A year later? This game is releasing in 5 months.

What? Is it confirmed? So I change my statement. The game will release as it is. It will go gold in 3-4 months, it's on the final testing stages. Only fixes will enter now.

Yep, holiday 2015 was the timeframe given, so basically November as they already have XCX in December.

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could of?  i think you mean could HAVE. the graphics are fine. 

im sure most of u on here have no identity of your own. the game looks great. stop being a load of sheep and think for yourselves.

if you seriously think this game looks like a gamecube game then i seriously think you are mental.

you people..................

Moderated by Miguel_Zorro

JS but after what we've seen with Mario Maker and the supposed "extra long black screen loading times" am I the only one that thinks that the footage we got might have been from a really downgraded version ? already the gameplay from the treehouse was better, meaning what we've seen during the Digital Event was a stage of Development that probably wasn't even playable, so the movements of the veichles were coded into it. IMHO Nintendo wants to surprise us, and to do so they want us to first lower our expectations, but, since we really don't know for shure, keep them low, it's the best thing to do in any case...

smiffo99 said:

im sure most of u on here have no identity of your own. the game looks great. stop being a load of sheep and think for yourselves.

if you seriously think this game looks like a gamecube game then i seriously think you are mental.

you people..................

You mean that I have psychic powers ?

Around the Network
smiffo99 said:

im sure most of u on here have no identity of your own. the game looks great. stop being a load of sheep and think for yourselves.

if you seriously think this game looks like a gamecube game then i seriously think you are mental.

you people..................

stop being a load of sheep and think for yourselves

if you seriously think this game looks like a gamecube game then i seriously think you are mental

oh the hypocrisy. Inviting people to think freely, but judging people negatively for having a different opinion than you do...

smiffo99 said:

im sure most of u on here have no identity of your own. the game looks great. stop being a load of sheep and think for yourselves.

if you seriously think this game looks like a gamecube game then i seriously think you are mental.

you people..................

People are definitely exaggerating when they say it looks like a GameCube game, but it doesn't look nearly as good as most other Wii U games.  When compared to games like Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, and Super Mario 3D World, it does look pretty terrible.  People aren't being sheep for thinking a game looks ugly.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

People keep chucking the word "ugly" around about these graphics which I think is unfair. I don't think they're ugly - they're bright and pleasant to look at from a distance. "Dated" would be my word of choice.

Eh, I've used a 480p computer for the past 8 years(and only upgraded to a good computer recently). These "terrible graphics" don't look terrible.

These graphics to me look fine actually. In fact, I have never complained about the looks of a game. Guess the use of a 480p screen made me used to seeing bad graphics I suppose.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

Hmm. Not as bad as some are making it out to be.