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GamechaserBE said:
MoHasanie said:
I think I'll buy Never Alone since it looks interesting.

Hmm would not say it is wasting your money but it is certainly not that special and short....Should look up maybe some review first.

hmm, I'll have to see the price then. If its $5-10 then I'll get it. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Sorry, if this is old news.

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360 games in the vault of EA Access?

Bring Dead Space please!

DeusXmachina said:

Sorry, if this is old news.

Free BC EA games is added bonus. EA access doesn't feel like an EA product. lol


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Jazz2K said:
360 games in the vault of EA Access?

Bring Dead Space please!

I think its very likely we will see all EA games on BC but we will have to wait and see which they decide to put in the vault.

WoodenPints said:
Jazz2K said:
360 games in the vault of EA Access?

Bring Dead Space please!

I think its very likely we will see all EA games on BC but we will have to wait and see which they decide to put in the vault.

Yes hope they go for Dead Space... also want the NFS.

Damn MS announcing BC now I feel like I can play all those games I missed. Rather play on X1 though.


Dear Ubisoft, come with your version of EA Access already...

Jazz2K said:

Dear Ubisoft, come with your version of EA Access already...

Yes please! I'd love for a Ubisoft service like EA access. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I vote for Edge of Eternity

shikamaru317 said:

360 BC games on EA Access would be truly amazing. It's already an incredible value, but that would really push it over the top.

But if they do that, I don't want them to stop giving us recent X1 games. Right now we get games that are 1-2 years old (some are less like Dragon Age Inquisition)  but I feel like we'll stop getting very recent games and instead get older 360 BC games. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54