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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation @E3 2015 We got FFVII remake, Shenmue III & The Last Guardian, E3's Over Go Home


My favorite part about the conference was...

...The Last Guardian! 17 14.66%
...Horizon! 20 17.24%
...Hitman! 0 0%
...Final Fantasy VII Remake! 50 43.10%
...Call of Duty: Black Ops III! 1 0.86%
...Firewatch! 0 0%
...Dreams! 1 0.86%
...Shenmue III!!! 15 12.93%
...Star Wars: Battlefrond! 2 1.72%
...Uncharted 4! 10 8.62%

just imagine how good TLOU2 will be

Around the Network

That's that then.

That looks awesome!

Wow, fantastic conference. 9.5/10.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Very good conference 9/10

Highlights: TLG, Horizon, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Shenmue

The rest was pretty boring, but the megatons was well worth it.

It will be very difficult to beat, next up Nintendo, don't dissappoint me mengs

Around the Network

Holy shit, Uncharted 4 keeps looking more awesome!

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Naughty Dog should take a crack at making a Forza Horizon type game.

IMO better than MS conference.

Sony wins for me, Nintendo will need more than a Metroid and Star Fox... Need my PS4 this year!!


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