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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGC Greatest User Tournament '14: Final Round: RolStoppable vs Slade6alpha vs TruckOSaurus

Slade gets my vote

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Tough one.
I'll go with Trucks.

Trucks, because he likes dinosaurs and handsome gentlemen.



NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I think if rol or slade wins, they should be given mod powers for a day, just for kicks and giggles, if trucks wins... Take his powers away???

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When does the voting close?

Kerotan said:
When does the voting close?

There's 2-3 hours left.

Signature goes here!

Out of the goodness of my great big heart I gave Rol my vote , instead of being thankful and sending money for my sympathy vote he had the temerity to threaten me with his filthy avatar and her BFWG , so I vote for that 70's English rock band Slade.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

It's finally here, the moment you've all been waiting and voting for, we have a winner!

Signature goes here!

Slade for sure 😋