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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hypothetical: Nintendo Agrees To Support PS4, Sony Agrees To Support HDS

Soundwave said:
marley said:
"Franchises like Mario/Mario Kart/Zelda deserve to be available to more people"

They're already available to anyone who wants them.

I don't think so. These are mainstream IP that everyone knows and many people have grown up on. 

Nintendo's consoles are the problem, not their IP. People love the IP. They just don't want to have to buy a seperate, gimmick-ey $300 console to play them on.

Put a few of these bigger IP on the PS4 and let Sony co-market them like they did with Destiny and you would see huge sales. I have zero doubt about that. 

But they are already available to anyone who wants them.  I get that people don't want to pay more money than necessary, but having to buy a console for it's exclusives is part of the costs associated with gaming.  It's not somehow unique to Nintendo.  There are a few Sony exclusives that I want to play, but I don't really want to pay $400 for what amounts to a subpar pc.  I would absolutely love to save that money and just play them on my computer.  Should I expect that?  Because I don't.  I only see these conditionals aimed at Nintendo, but they really could be applied to anyone.  

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Wow, uh... this doesn`t seem very beneficial for Ninten. It`s def for Sony though. Ninten`s games on Sony would be majorly beneficial to them and would effectively kill Ninten in the hardware space. Meanwhile on the handhelds, Sony`s IPs wouldn`t help much. If anything, the 3rd party games the Vita gets would be much more beneficial. If Ninten could just do a standard powerful console and marketed right, they could do a lot better, maybe closer to the PS4`s success.

I like how it`s phrased how Ninten`s IPs need to be available to as many people as possible. People can always buy Ninten`s hardware and play the games that way if they really want to play their games. I hate how this comment is said so many times, like it`s a service Ninten has to do for everyone.



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Actually competition is good for the market.

Playing Xenoblade 2 before I buy Xenoblade 3 (otherwise I couldn't wait to play 3).

Can they announce a new Fire Emblem? A remake of Genealogy or Tellius would suffice !