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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

Has 2000vg$

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Cool avatar..............

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



Has no sig and thanks.

He has cool sig...........

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



Thanks again, Is 18.

Around the Network

Has 1055 posts.........

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



Has 87 posts.

is only 7 vg$ away from 1900 vg$

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



Somebody should post man.......................

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



Thinks I should post