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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

Likes KH

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Likes Kingdom Hearts

Likes FFVI

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)

Got Banned recently.


Is about to reach 1,800posts

Around the Network

Is about to reach 800 posts.

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)

Has 2 PSN ids

Has no Psn ID.

Should have a PSN

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)

Is correct I have one...