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I don´t mind as much as you will FFXIII´s ending

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But the thing is I can spoil you NOW the ending. You won't be able to do it till more than a year. So I have no risk

Seeing that you already added it, well, you wanna know who dies?

Revenge is a dish best served cold

I still see Mr Lowe there...are you sure you wanna keep it?

The US governement does not negotiate with terrorists.

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Be cool man...................

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



That's because they're stronger than them. Buit now I'm in the dominant position, I make the demands. All I ask for is to have the Mr Lowe part removed

Hey, man. Long time no see.

Busy man....................

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



Welcome back, haven't seen you in a while!