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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

I suppose a part-time job, right? What are you aiming for?

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Yeah a part time job, Hopefully I get one at Target, they give me discounts and I shop there often.

In case you dont know


Well, never seen a Target store, they don't operate here

I knew it, it's not as big as Walmart. But I have to be 17 to work there.


Walmart's not big here, there are some, but it's largely ignored. It's not Coto, Jumbo or Carrefour, the three biggest chains

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I've never heard of those, but walmart is ALL over the world.


No surprise, Coto is national, Jumbo is dutch and Carrefour is French. But I tell you, Walmart is small here. I only know the location of one Walmart in my city

has vg$2511.02

Should hear this:


Should post that song in every thread