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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Introducing the Pokemon OR/AS Navlocke Challenge!

Players of the Pokémon games within the past eleven years should be familiar with the Nuzlocke Challenge.
This started as a method to make playthroughs of Pokemon Ruby more interesting.

Fast-forward to now, and the GenIII remakes are now out! And with them comes a variety of new gameplay mechanics.
One of the new mechanics they've introduced is a new way to hunt for Pokemon - the DexNav! With DexNav, you can sneak up on Pokemon in tall grass, instead of the traditional other way around. It also allows you to hunt for specific Pokemon as well. Well, since this is a remake of Ruby and Sapphire, I figured with this new way of hunting for Pokemon, we should also have a remake of the Nuzlocke challenge.

Introducing, the Navlocke Challenge!
The Navlocke Challenge attempts to carry on the spirit of Nuzlocke, but also play like a fresh, new experience!

To explain a couple things:
(1) Running scares away DexNav-located Pokemon quickly. You aren't allowed to do ANYTHING that prevents you from being able to catch every Pokemon you see this way, if you play the optional rules. It's not fair to scare away Pokemon just because you don't want to catch them!

(2) "Legendaries not allowed" is optional, because technically, since you can see them in the overworld like DexNavs, they'd be fair game. But they're NOT really fair, so I say you should leave 'em!

(3) Making you release your oldest Pokemon when you capture a new one to replace it forces you to be VERY careful about where you go and who you spend your time raising. It also makes dealing with HMs a challenge! Additional optional caveat: Replacing not necessary if you've backtracked beyond where the story requires you to go.

With all that said, have fun with your new challenge!
