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Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad
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Useless Wii HeadphonesWii Remote Suit


<== Nyko Wii Party Station


  <== Wii Crystal Cooler Looks and Acts Cool

and ofcourse the wii lightsaber

@xbrawl, i think that guitar is a prototype.

Joeron said:

<== Nyko Wii Party Station


<== Wii Crystal Cooler Looks and Acts Cool

Nyko party station was cancled and the Wii blue LED stand is a POS ..I own one and the light goes out after a couple weeks and IMO I thought it would look cool person it's damn ugly and prefer the official silver stand.



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Gamerace said:

Here's the one accessory I want to get (but won't pay $20 for it)

Now if only there was a Wii hockey game to go with it.

That is so damn cool....I'd buy it for $20. I hear one of the NHL's are coming out on wii next year (not sure if it's 2K9 or 09, but my bet is 09). You could always play Kidz Ice Hockey, lol.