Streets of Rage
- System: SEGA Mega Drive (US name: SEGA Genesis)
- Year: 1991
- Rank last year: New (*)

Streets of Rage is as mindless as games come. Mindless can sometimes be fun though, on rare occasions. This game is one of those occasions. The whole point of it is just to hit everything in sight. The challenge in this is just right though, and while it's very possible to beat this game, it still feels like it took some effort. Dying isn't rare, especially against one of the bosses. To beat them, I just always bomb them with the special attack, die, and bomb them again.
The story, for as much as one could care about it, involves a crime syndicate that's taken a hold of a city and it's up to the player to bring them all down. The player has three characters to choose from, each with slightly different balance in strength and speed. It's just your fists and feet against a host of different enemy types, but the ability to pick up objects to use as melee weapons keeps it from being tedious. Sometimes you just want to punch people, and this game is perfect for that. Like I said, mindless can sometimes be fun!