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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%

I guess is useless to debate people who don't want to believe, is beyond our power to let people believe in something. Faith is on God territory. The same thing with religion, ideology, hope, and trust. even fact by fact and logic by logic throw in to people face when God say no then it's impossible for human to believe. let it go guys is not our responsible if they don't want to believe, your responsibility is only to remind them and not to let them believe.

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Me and my Dog have secret meetings in the attic. We discuss how we are going to rule the land we live on. (1 acre) Anyway just want to say we are but 1 small part of the freemason network. We also draw pictures of eyes and triangles all over the place. #freemasons # Illuminati #confirmed

zero129 said:
Like the above poster said if people dont want to believe no matter what you put in front of them wont change their minds.
For me i've seen enough evidence though out time to know that its fully possible they could very well be real.

But how much time have you spent actually veryifying this so called evidence?

Instead of taking it on face value whenever some guy makes a post about it.

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

FromDK said:

 2. Some are real (like some in shrek.. some for the grown ups) and some the cilderen don't understan or see.. (so the parents wants to sit 2 hour in the movie to)

Not sure if adults would spot these first time around:


And this is just plain crazy:

Kerotan said:
nintentacle i'm not going to continue to debate this with you. you've brainwashed yourself. well done.

if you look into everything in the world you're going to find a shit ton of weird coincidences. My birthday is 9/11 backwards and i was born 10 years before. BTW did I forget to say I'm the head of Illuminati!! Oh and the second and third letters in Illuminati are the twin towers. i could make shit up all day and feed it to fools who want to believe. Now that I think about it i can see why people make this shit up. Because so many morons follow it like a religion!


More coincedence!


I clearly must be brainwashed!

JuSt ChAnCe





Around the Network
Nintentacle said:
AshKetchum1992 said:
Are there really people who believe in the Illuminati?


Now look up "Family Guy predictive programming".

Family Guy Illuminati Confirmed?

ninjaman003 said:
The illuminati has nothing to do with satanism

ExplodingBlock said:
Nintentacle said:
AshKetchum1992 said:
Are there really people who believe in the Illuminati?


Now look up "Family Guy predictive programming".

Family Guy Illuminati Confirmed?

Look for it.

PullusPardus said:
I know it's a joke but Isn't Illuminati an elite Atheist group? not Satanic or religious. They want to build a system where scientists can have all the power to advance humanity without the restrictions of morality and religion.

Kind of?

Well this thread went clusterf**k fast. Might as well join it. I don't believe in all of this Illuminati crap to the extent you make it out to be. So come on and say how brainwashed I am.

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.