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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The "Negative MS Press Goes Here" Thread.

elnino334 said:
Not sure if this thread is useful to be honest. I think negative articles are just fine if they have real facts behind like a study etc. Negative opinion thread is a different story. Just seems we have a enough moderators to keep things running smoothly. I mean seriously who is going to post here? Would hate to be banned just because I posted a negative like Bungie is leaving MS etc. Should we maybe have "Positive articles go here" LOL. Just my opinion that this seems like a waste for a sticky.

You have a point but I don't think posting decent news is what mr stick is talking about. This thread is useful if nothing else as a general heads-up to those who like to take repeated cheap shots at the Xbox under the guise of news.

I may have little love for the 360 but no one needs their system dragged through the mud. I lived through the gamecube days and although there isn't much piling on my beloved Wii, I saw one today titled AAA games coming to the Wii based on a shovelware annoucement. 


So to sum up


Respect the Stick or get the Stick 


Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

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mrstickball said:

From now on, if there's a beef with MS, or a news story you have. Post it here. Don't start a new 30 page flamewar thread for certain people to jump on. Post it here. If not, I will begin to lock negative X360 threads.


 So we'll just have a 100 page thread of flames and articles that get completely lost amongst the flames?  Right.

I alwasy have problems with all x goes here threads because things always get lost in them.  I suppose for things like SSBB updates that happen daily it's a great idea but for things like all youtube videos, negaticve console press, or anything else that isn't annual it's just a bad idea to me.  

It works for the first 2 or three pages but then the thread keeps getting bigger and bigger and people just don't want to read it except for the people that posted in the first two or three pages.  I know a lot of the negative press articles can be annoying but there are some that can actually be interesting.

A perfect example would be the article about the guy who had his console washed.  It was a pretty interesting read and one I actually don't feel dumber for wasting two minutes of my life on.  If that article was posted in the official negative 360 press thread, I would never have read it. 

I really don't like searching through pages of flames just in case someone might have posted a new article since last time I checked it.  That's why these threads don't work.

I admit that the Sony fanboys have been relentless with posting anti-MS thread articles since the supply issue started but a "negative MS news thread" is simply ridiculous and over the top.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Mrstickball, is it a good idea to get someone with a Xbox live card in their signature as the one deciding what's negative news for Microsoft? Seems like a conflict of interest to me and looking at the responses made I don't stand alone on that. I also don't think that people posting in the MS section are likely to be the ones posting anything (even if it's the complete undeniable truth) negative about them.

The fact that the people who post negative info on MS aren't regulars in that forum sounds ok in my book. It even sounds really logical. Of course there will always be people who will post just to discredit MS, just weed them out instead of generally assuming any type of negative news is automaticly there to shed some bad light on MS.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Wow, who made 'mrstickball' a mod, this is the silliest thing i've ever heard of.

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OK here it goes! 

Microsoft breakdowns broken down - 60 percent of knackered machines suffer RRoD disorder

 (The headline is misleading, only 16% of 360s break, of those 16%, 60% break again.)

jasonnc80 said:
It's cool to hate the Xbox.

I own PS3 & 360 (and the wii for a few months)

wasn't it cool to hate Ps3 last year.

It seems that fad is over.


I think all thread posts or comments that are anti-360 or paint the 360 in a negative light should go into this thread as well. No negative 360 comments should be allowed in any other thread but this one. Everyone got that?

Reasonable said:
This isn't going to work. To be blunt in a tough console war such as between MS and Sony a lot of genuine (i.e. valid) news that could be negative is going to spring up. Shovelling it all into one thread will be cumbersome and tough to navigate.

I agree with others the best approach is negative threads without purpose (i.e. no factual basis) are simply deleted.

Bungie leaving MS is news, so is RROD news whether good or bad, as is articles discussing impact of BR winning format war, etc.

I guess the other blunt view I have is that there is a chance that negative articles, etc. may be more in abundance than ever before if PS3 continues to outsell 360 globally as you're going to get a lot more analysts seeing gloomy times for 360 than rosy - that being said brushing them under the rug isn't the answer.

Still, let's see how it goes - I hate useless negative/bias so I'm with you in principle, just not sure this approach is workable.

I completely agree. The other issue I see is that if this thread continues, one will be created for each of the Sony and Nintendo discussion forums. Then all of the negative press will be lost in these three threads. I don't know about others here, but I get a lot of my gaming news for these forums.

Microsoft loses demo unit at GDC to the dreaded RRoD

"This has got to be one of the most embarrassing things that could have happened to Microsoft at a trade show. How does it look when you keep telling people that the failure rates aren’t that bad, and you can’t even keep your own units from dying?"

Ok, now im off to the negative PS3 and Wii threads to ignite the flames of more fanboys!