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*edit coax a counter-claim

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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*edit hopes that town would fall for it.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

It's the same recklessness from before from Spurge, which is why i focused on padib when it was down to the four of us. If Spurge is scum he's doing an awful job of it, similar to Smeags, really.

I would look at stefl, Yoshiya, and wonk. I suspect that two of the three of them are the other scum, along with two out of the three of spurge, Astro, and Smeags.

The second string of possibles were the people who voted for padib but weren't around for the last 12 hours or so before the day ended. Again, my thought is that the voting was close enough that there is little cause for any "bus-throwing", because scum could've pulled off a win there if they were able to marshal their ranks. They were unable to do so, though. Some people may have put their vote on padib and simply not been present when the tide really turned against him, but in lieu of deeper-level thinking, the big 6 scum suspects are the non-voters and the people who voted for me (or Yoshiya who is a little of both, since he claimed he had voted for me)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
It's the same recklessness from before from Spurge, which is why i focused on padib when it was down to the four of us. If Spurge is scum he's doing an awful job of it, similar to Smeags, really.

I would look at stefl, Yoshiya, and wonk. I suspect that two of the three of them are the other scum, along with two out of the three of spurge, Astro, and Smeags.

The second string of possibles were the people who voted for padib but weren't around for the last 12 hours or so before the day ended. Again, my thought is that the voting was close enough that there is little cause for any "bus-throwing", because scum could've pulled off a win there if they were able to marshal their ranks. They were unable to do so, though. Some people may have put their vote on padib and simply not been present when the tide really turned against him, but in lieu of deeper-level thinking, the big 6 scum suspects are the non-voters and the people who voted for me (or Yoshiya who is a little of both, since he claimed he had voted for me)

You say that as if his behavior last game wasn't reckless, especially when he was pressured. I could always be making a mistake tho and tunelling him. Of those you listed who are you most likely going to vote for today given the new information that spurg may be a tracker and smeags may have visted you last night? Also Why do you think spurg asked me where I was last night, if not to say he tracked me?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

I didn't pay too much attention to last game until about the last day or so, i'll admit, so i wasn't much up on what spurge was up to.

It does seem odd that spurge only now comes out with evidence to incriminate one of the other very suspicious users, and it would cement the idea that, whatever else, spurge and smeags aren't on the same team. If that means smeags is mafia and spurge is town or smeags is sk and spurge is mafia, i'm not sure.

It could make the safest bet be a vote against Smeags. The worst-case-scenario there, a Smeags town flip, wouldn't be so horrid because if he's one of us he's doing a hideous job of it and we would be better off without him.

Okay, worst-worst is if Smeags is jester and we end the game immediately by lynching him. I wouldn't put that past theprof either.

This is why i advise patience. Perhaps a piece to the puzzle will reveal itself that helps lend credit or discredit to spurge's story here.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Mr Khan said:
I didn't pay too much attention to last game until about the last day or so, i'll admit, so i wasn't much up on what spurge was up to.

It does seem odd that spurge only now comes out with evidence to incriminate one of the other very suspicious users, and it would cement the idea that, whatever else, spurge and smeags aren't on the same team. If that means smeags is mafia and spurge is town or smeags is sk and spurge is mafia, i'm not sure.

It could make the safest bet be a vote against Smeags. The worst-case-scenario there, a Smeags town flip, wouldn't be so horrid because if he's one of us he's doing a hideous job of it and we would be better off without him.

Okay, worst-worst is if Smeags is jester and we end the game immediately by lynching him. I wouldn't put that past theprof either.

This is why i advise patience. Perhaps a piece to the puzzle will reveal itself that helps lend credit or discredit to spurge's story here.

Is he trying to incriminate smeags? Looks to me he is trying to say smeags is town and set him up for a doctor or protector claim. After all he has been discrediting those that have suspected smeags and saying they are wrong.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

if I make any mistakes my apologies, had only been causally reading the thread from the start and since it got reduced to 4 day one it was even less so.

So spurge was one of the four and at the start of that had the most vote with 3. He at the point had already claimed ness but no role.

He's now claiming he tracked Smeags to khan last night after I'm not sure how many votes on him.

At this point I don't think he should be getting any more votes until we've at least had smeags come in to say if he did go to khan and say why. If smeags says he didn't we can lynch spurge and get the flip to see if he was what he said, if so smeags would be the next target.
Obviously I don't want this order of events rushed, just we should do what we can to verify claims.

we do also still need to look further into radish with his friendly neighbor claim, should be able to test it out within a night or two.

khan will be a little harder to confirm, but he's low priority of roles to test out at the moment

Mr Khan said:
I didn't pay too much attention to last game until about the last day or so, i'll admit, so i wasn't much up on what spurge was up to.

It does seem odd that spurge only now comes out with evidence to incriminate one of the other very suspicious users, and it would cement the idea that, whatever else, spurge and smeags aren't on the same team. If that means smeags is mafia and spurge is town or smeags is sk and spurge is mafia, i'm not sure.

It could make the safest bet be a vote against Smeags. The worst-case-scenario there, a Smeags town flip, wouldn't be so horrid because if he's one of us he's doing a hideous job of it and we would be better off without him.

Okay, worst-worst is if Smeags is jester and we end the game immediately by lynching him. I wouldn't put that past theprof either.

This is why i advise patience. Perhaps a piece to the puzzle will reveal itself that helps lend credit or discredit to spurge's story here.

I do agree with your point tho. Smeags may be a better option. For now, lets see why smeags was visiting you.


Vote; Smeags

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

On a side note so far the roles are within the realm of the characters. Like me for example I am jigglypuff so I can put someone to sleep and make their vote not count and everyone loves jigglypuff so I have double vote. Looking over Ness I don't really see how he could be tracker? "Ness is also a master of the psychic powers called PSI, and knows PSI attacks like PK Flash, PK Rockin', PSI Shield, Lifeup, Healing, Hypnosis, Paralysis and Teleport." If I were theprof I would make him a roleblocker if anything at al considering her has hynosis and paralysis.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

NoCtiS_NoX said:
impertinence said:
radishhead said:

Padib: 5/10 - The points that I made earlier, despite being primarily as a device to create more discussion, were based in truth. I do think that I stumbled across something just because of the way that he reacted to my statements. If it does turn out he's mafia, then I already have a good idea of a couple of his mafia friends. I am actually probably looking for a Padib lynch today because I believe that if a Day 1 lynch has to happen, it has to be able to provide INFORMATION. I will get good information on the motives of other players upon seeing Padib's true alignment. 

White: 6/10 - There is no denying that other players have made good points about some strange methods of play that White has been using so far this game: the whole issue surrounding the "doctor", and the comment about Kirby being a watcher and so on. If he's not a mafia, then he may well be a role that revolves around other people's roles in some way? Maybe a transporter? However, despite considering White to be more likely to be a mafia member than Padib at the moment, I don't feel that I could get as much information from a White lynch at the moment, and therefore it isn't worth the risk.

What information do you think we would get from a padib flip? The way I see it, if he flips town, you, khan and white all look like scum, if he flips scum then ... what? I don't see how that flip gives us any more information, in fact, seems to me we would get exactly the same information from flipping Khan or white, with the added benefit that they have generated much more discussion. And they both have semi reasonable cases against them, unless someone has dug up something I have missed then the case against padib is not very substantial and basically is built around your chainsaw defense of White. 

I agree that we don't have any solid cases at all, but at least the case against White makes sense. I still don't think he is the best lynch, but that is not because of his defense against the case against him which is pretty much non-exsistant. And then we have Khan who seems the scummiest of all. Yet you would prefer to lynch the third most suspicious option. I really don't get it. Feel free to fill me in on what I am missing here.

@bold underlined
I would have voted you instantly just for this statement.  If he flips scum then that's very crucial for town especially on day 1. It means one less scum to worry about. What if he has a power like a mafia blocker? It doesn't matter if  we don't get any info from that flip as long we lynch a scum.

I will keep my eyes on you the next day.

another set of posts that stand out to me.