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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

Wonktonodi said:
theprof00 said:
EricFabian said:
and I like to Vote Wright, just in case

"- Players are required to bold their votes and put them on line at the bottom of their post. Votes that are made mid sentence and/or not bolded will not be counted. This is a strict rule!"

Seriously. I will not count votes that are either embedded in mid-sentence or between paragraphs. They must be at the bottom of the post.

in my reread saw this and thought I'd point it out since there was some discussion on this recently.

Yes I'm starting at the very begining.

Ty for resharing. Glad to see you are rereading. At Clyde I apologize for the incorrect info, you were right the first time. I had a town read on Eric before but did question whether or not he was coached. I believe mafia would have left the misinformation as is and the fact that wonk corrected it gives me a strong town read.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Mr Khan said:
But then that means that there were no scum murders last night? Or are we missing some flavor, here? (e.g. something was attempted)

Are you referring to my post about absorber often being serial killer? Because we don't know he's the serial killer, or that there even is a serial killer, heck we don't even know if he's not town, it just makes a lot of sense. As it stands, from what we've seen, I'm inclined to think there's only one killing faction, until we get some confirmation of a second attack. Which we may not get if the second attack was against a mafia.

spurgeonryan said:
Again, only reason scum won to games ago is because scum had veterans telling them what to do. I sat with nickles snd hylian in the dead thread last game and could not believe their strange thinking.

Some of you are super smart in real life, but when it comes to being town in mafi a ya'll asound me!

More discrediting and twsiting the truth. Here is the dead thread from last game. Notice I was right about pretty much everything. Two games ago we had 1 vet and that was no name and he was never around. This is one of your many scum tells. You can't help yourself any chance you get to discredit someone you jump on it like a juicy steak.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

spurgeonryan said:
No you guys are getting us nowhere and will lose the game fr town again.

May as well waste my time as usual because I have n patience for you people.

Smeags visited khn last night. So how the hell did he swallow up eagle?

That is why I kept asking him qestions that he did not snswer.

That is hy I know he is not the jester, unless the jester can visit people at night. I hate playing town becaus town are full of morons. I know there are scum pushing me, but you town are so blind and backeards ...every game I cannot even stand it.

None of you are heing logical at all snd I cannot stomch it.
Have fun losng again.

Yet another slip. trying to protect your team amte and just how do you know smeags visited khan last night?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Yeah these latest posts confirm for me that we are on the right track I'm perfectly happy lynching now. We can always vote to extend toMorrow or the next day. We have two scum lines up.


Vote: spurgeonryan

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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spurgeonryan said:
Blah blah. You couldn't even figure out that fabian was my last scum buddy left.

Who is doing the discrediting? Looks like you.

Funny that not one person has agreed with hardly one thing I said today. Does that not raise any red flags with any of you? Then the many attacks with no reason. Even then, the reasons are worth nothing. Oh! ryan is agresive! Boo hoo! He hurt my feelings, vote him!!!

I always play the same, so get over it! Your all lucky I am not treating you like I treat the prof. But that is because he is stubborn even as town.

Again...not one thing I have said made no sense to anyone? Preposterous!

So that tells me that no matter how hard I try to get ys'll ta listen, you are either town blinded by what I did last game or your scum. This tells me that everything I say is a waste and nothing I do will prove I am town. So should I even play? Or will I at least be listened to with an open mind.

No one, including you have even mentioned what I said about smeags. This lack of effort on all your parts is what is sad here..

Couldn't figure it out? No wonder you never contribute anything to a win, you can write but when it comes to reading there is a disconnect. I knew Eric was mafia day one, everyone did. How many times in that dead thread did I tell you not to tell me becuase I already knew? Again learn to read I just did mention what you said about smeags. If you are so tierd of it vote for yourself or ask for a replacement. Once again you have screwed your team rather than help like always.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

If you were town and really wanted town to win you would have asked for a replacement instead of this BS copy and past of my gambit from last game. Fellow town do not fall for this.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

spurgeonryan said:
No you guys are getting us nowhere and will lose the game fr town again.

May as well waste my time as usual because I have n patience for you people.

Smeags visited khn last night. So how the hell did he swallow up eagle?

That is why I kept asking him qestions that he did not snswer.

That is hy I know he is not the jester, unless the jester can visit people at night. I hate playing town becaus town are full of morons. I know there are scum pushing me, but you town are so blind and backeards ...every game I cannot even stand it.

None of you are heing logical at all snd I cannot stomch it.
Have fun losng again.

is there room for more in your pitty party or is it only for you?

if only you when you are done please explain. If room for others you'll have to wait for someone else, I'm not a fan of the pity party play.

spurgeonryan said:

Remind me of what you did last night, and what the outcome was.

Do you know what this post is? It is a building block post for suspicion. See you have been working on your tracker claim since I suspected you last night. The way i see it 1 of 2 things happened when your team killed white. 1 you saw he was a tracker and not a doctor so it would be a safe fake claim. Or more likely 2. When you killed him you saw he was in fact a doctor, so your plan was to coax a fake claim. You lost your ninja so you can't have the tracker out and about watching smeags that is most likely a janitor. See what you and smeags were originally going to do was push this idea that mafia voted for their own team mate while you make the tracker claim and use it to push heaps of suspicion on me. That's why you made the post above. Instead Stefl pieced together that there was a janitor and evidence points to smeags being that. So that put the kaibash in your plans so you immediately discredit everyone that was on that path especially me and stefl you make your fake claim trying to protect smeags and then you once again use my gambit from last game in hopes that team would fall for it.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

*edit Since I suspected you yesterDay

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)