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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

spurgeonryan said:
Radish has no special powers nickles. If so....where were these special abilities last game when he sat by like a wet log and watched it fall apart along with everyone else?

Look at his other games, when has radish ever had some special ability to see who was scum or not. In fact, just look at last game to debunk this when everyone said radish plays more like a crazy person than a good player, and that is when he is even active. How does it go radish? Town radish plays like scum radish and can never act right?

Here is my take on the padib lynch. He made some mistakes, his tea thought the spotlight would be on him anyways after last game, and he was stuck in the lions den with the rest of us. So they left him to die for the good of their team.

Why are you answering for Rad?

Also, as stefl asked please eloaborate?

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Spurge is just being a fool, don't worry about him. Some of my weaker performances in past games have resulted from not keeping up with the thread to an extent that it became impossible to make any meaningful observations because I simply had no idea what was going on. This is the first game in a while where I can properly help the town because I've read every post so far, and know about the key players and key ideas.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Right now, I think Spurge is intimidated by this because he knows that he's a key target for analysis for me today. Explains his aggressive (yet dismissive) behaviour.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

My top suspect for now are Hylian, Imp, astro & spurge so if I am going to vote now. It will be one of them.

I demand a serious nameclaim by Smeags, not a one packaged in joking or something else, not one that is defined by "what he does" or some random shit, and not something that is open to interpretation.

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spurgeonryan said:
@ noctis

Mistkake by you.

Khan cleared hylian. So if you suspect him you must suspect khan a well. Correct?

No noctis is not making a mistake. Khan did not clear khan. All he found was that hylian was not holding anything dangerous. That does not clear him.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

What a great way to drive up the post count spurge :) Anyway, let me comment on a couple of the points you make:

It's not strange that Smeags is attraction some attention from his slippery play, I think his style is very much calculated however though I am not sure what he is trying to accomplish. Anyway, the demand for a hard claim (when Smeags has pretty much hard claimed Kirby already) is futile. What would that possibly reveal to us that is not already being considered? Stefl's demand seems more like empty activity than anything else

As for Hylian being scanned and cleared by Khan, I get that the results presented by Khan are ambiguous and that it's possible that Hylian is not town, but I have to assume that Khans ability is at least somewhat useful to town. Last game taught me that it's important to take scan results seriously. We had Wright pinned by a scan, yet town let him off the hook because people were too eager to second guess the actual claimed evidence we had. So, while I am not going to dismiss the possibility that Hylian might be scum, I think it's a good idea to look at other people first for now.

As for Radishes 'my character doesn't fit my role, oh wait, yes it does, perfectly actually' play stood out to me as well.

As for your comments on me from earlier. Last game I spent almost the whole day every day at work going through the game thread over and over and my performance at work suffered greatly as a result. It was of course a great month or so since playing mafia is much more fun than my job, but I can't be doing that again. In the end, my intense reading of the thread only lead to me arguing with prof over application of logic and caused him to tunnel on me and ultimately losing the game for town anyway. So yeah, you are definitely right that I am less active than last game.

Sorry for not being here last night. I was busy returning home for the weekend and playing Smash

Isn't Khan cleared by the other day's lynch. Unless padib threw his scummate under a bus kind of early. Seems like padib was choosing the one who was the main alternative

Radish and Stefl are attempting to suggest Radish is town friendly neighbor since this is the simplest way to confirm a friendly neighbor. This could easily be a ploy by two scummates though.

Getting a feeling Spurge is scum though

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Okay, there's literally no reason for Stefl to roleclaim. Spurge is rapidly moving up my "likely to be Mafia" list.

Vote: Spurge

He was targeting me repeatedly yesterday, presumably because he wanted an easy mislynch. He's the main reason I chose to ask Stefl to give out the information in the first place, so he's already done more harm than good for town.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

spurgeonryan said:
So astro....your are saying nearly all town got it right with pafib and none were scum throwing him under the bus? But its impossible for khan to be thrown uder? Sparks dumped you as soon as he could last game. I dumped sparks as well. It certainly is not as craxy as you think.

Not saying it's impossible, but Khan has been behaving pretty Town. Scum could be throwing padib but, I think they would do it closer to the deadline

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842