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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

Okay, going by as far as I read, Spurge is town, and he is acting like ever, making his lynch invaluable by randomly spouting stuff around while making it really hard to not-lynch him because of his counterproductive play style...

Once more I will urge everyone to EXTEND the timelimit, specially looking at the fact that I want to hear more from the four left 4 lynch

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radishhead said:
Yoshiya said:
We need to start thinking seriously about who we are going to lynch today guys. As it stands, we have three people drawing on one vote and the rules for this game is that everyone in the lead gets lynched meaning we'd lose three people on Day 1. I'm currently most suspicious of Radishhead because of his out of character vote and his complete dismissal of my question as to why he thought WhiteEagle was fishing for the doctor. Saying you "can't know people's motives" is a like laughing in the point of the game of mafia and is a very lazy way of saying "I can't be bothered to do any real analysis so I'm just going to say analysis is impossible."

I've done plenty of analysis already, but I'm not looking any further into the White incident. I already said that he was more likely to be Mafia than Padib, but neither are worth lynching on Day 1.

So, how fishy are those two on a scale form 0-10, 10 being a rotting fish-mafiosi, 0 being a good townie-lamb

Hang on, 166 new posts! Will post any thoughts as I get to them

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This Smash-mode occurrence is very interesting - it says that Master Hand chose the combatants.. does that mean there are no factors that can influence the players who get chosen to "battle"? I feel like it'd be perhaps unfair on the town if all 4 of them were town, so maybe the way they've been chosen means that one of them (at least) is guaranteed to be anti-town?

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Oh, I guess it's also possible that it's a user who is playing as Master Hand- for some reason I assumed that Master Hand was the host.

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Also, by "one person will go home", I figured it was probably meant in the sense that Smash Bros is like a game show where contestants battle each other until only one remains. "Going home" would therefore mean getting eliminated (ie. only one of the "contestants" will be dying today).

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Stefl1504 said:

So, how fishy are those two on a scale form 0-10, 10 being a rotting fish-mafiosi, 0 being a good townie-lamb

Padib: 5/10 - The points that I made earlier, despite being primarily as a device to create more discussion, were based in truth. I do think that I stumbled across something just because of the way that he reacted to my statements. If it does turn out he's mafia, then I already have a good idea of a couple of his mafia friends. I am actually probably looking for a Padib lynch today because I believe that if a Day 1 lynch has to happen, it has to be able to provide INFORMATION. I will get good information on the motives of other players upon seeing Padib's true alignment. 

White: 6/10 - There is no denying that other players have made good points about some strange methods of play that White has been using so far this game: the whole issue surrounding the "doctor", and the comment about Kirby being a watcher and so on. If he's not a mafia, then he may well be a role that revolves around other people's roles in some way? Maybe a transporter? However, despite considering White to be more likely to be a mafia member than Padib at the moment, I don't feel that I could get as much information from a White lynch at the moment, and therefore it isn't worth the risk.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

I guess I had better put my money where my mouth is!

Vote: Padib

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
I guess I had better put my money where my mouth is!

Vote: Padib

can I hear your opinion on the remaining two votable players, same scale again pls

Out of the 4 on the chopping board, Padib and Khan seem to the two likeliest to at least get the most info from their lynching. Spurge is being hard to pin down and doesn't seem to really align with any players. WhiteEagle sort of lacks activity for me to get a good read. Sort of similar with Padib but people are putting strong suspicions on him

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