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Forums - Sales Discussion - White PS4 Destiny Bundle - #28 on Bestsellers of 2014

finally the destiny ps3 Version is moving up to the top 40
#35 right now up form #85

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Not going to happen, the bundle us already sold out on is now sold out 


Edit: Within an hour it's back in Stock at .   Strange. 

yea its still sold out on

zoolert for american sites show it sold out at walmart, target and best buy

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

prinz_valium said:
WebMasterFlex said:

"But but but you are the the desperate one" come on grow up... you know that the Top 10's sellers are the most important things there. Under the Top 40 it isn't a big thing, under Top 180 ? Doesn't even need to talk about it.

Amazon US 2014 top sellers : #4 PS4. No Xbone on Top 40.
Right now we can see that people buy PS4 instead of bundles (like Destiny).

I know you are mad because of the Xbone's calamity launch in Japan, no success in Europe and losing home territory but still, calm down.

said the guy who started the desperate one :D

okay now im out and act like a "grown up"


troll on, or whatever u like

some people...

No need to call him a troll. Kiss and hug each other THIS instant.

why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

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DaltonAbbey said:
why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

it used to update 6 days a week.  it tends to take sunday off.    I wish i knew what was up for this month though,  none of septembers numbers have been input.   the weekly and monthly amazon charts are blank.   and this goes for other departments aswell

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

DD_Bwest said:
DaltonAbbey said:
why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

it used to update 6 days a week.  it tends to take sunday off.    I wish i knew what was up for this month though,  none of septembers numbers have been input.   the weekly and monthly amazon charts are blank.   and this goes for other departments aswell

i suppose you're right about sunday

hmm maybe they'll only update monthly now

DaltonAbbey said:

i suppose you're right about sunday

hmm maybe they'll only update monthly now

monthly updates would be terrible for them,   as the book leaders are very important to some.  im thinking it somehow has to do with the short week.  still hoping we get something today around 5est. 

otherwise monday would be the next guess

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

DaltonAbbey said:
why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

the did not

right now the white ps4 bundle is above the 50$ psn card

yesterday  it wasnt (just the xb1 and ps4 version of destiny)



edit: or are u talking about the yearly chart? that isnt updated every day. im confused

prinz_valium said:
DaltonAbbey said:
why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

the did not

right now the white ps4 bundle is above the 50$ psn card

yesterday  it wasnt (just the xb1 and ps4 version of destiny)



edit: or are u talking about the yearly chart? that isnt updated every day. im confused


The Yearly Chart hasn't been updated In quite some time.  There is no way that Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One haven't moved yet.  

Also, the Destiny Bundle in Japan is sold out!  

In even stranger news, the sales of Xbox One on Amazon Japan have completely collapsed.

I really don't want to suffer the angst that will go down if the PS4 beats the Xbox One in Japan this week.